
Showing posts from August, 2014


子曰:“为政以德,譬如北辰,居其所,而众星共之。” So this phrase means that as a high-ranked person in society, you must act reasonably and with respect towards others, even if you think they are lowly and not worthy of it. In other words, you have to set an example. That way, other people will also act with respect towards you, and help you with your troubles. In the story, the villagers eat the emperor's horse because they are really hungry and do not know it is the emperor's horse. The soldiers are just about to kill all of them when the emperor says it's okay and lets them all go. So in the end, when the emperor and all his soldiers are losing the war and getting massacred, the villagers charge in to help, and they win the battle and the enemy is defeated. And the emperor is really happy because he sees that there's a reward for being nice.

Google's Delivery Drones

Today I read an article about Google testing out its delivery drones. The drones are named Project Wing, because they are literally a rigid triangular wing with propellers. To deliver packages, there is a winch system so that the drone can winch down packages from the air. Then the winch comes back up and it picks up another package and repeats the process. Unlike normal drones, this drone flies like a plane instead of a helicopter. Other companies have also made delivery drones. Amazon has made PrimeAir, which can deliver packages to places within 10 miles of its warehouse in 30 minutes. This would speed up delivery by a LOT. Also, Dominos, the pizza company, has made a DomiCopter, which flies with arced blades, which are not straight like normal helicopter and drone blades. It has a cage-like system to hold the pizza bags in place. But until the FAA allows these companies the use of private airspace, these drones will remain grounded.




Today I was reading the book called Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell. Today I was reading a section about summer break. In general, for middle and upper class students, summer is a good thing because during the summer they learn a lot, like reading and math. They read a lot, go to extracurricular activities, and go to summer camps. They have homework and other things to do. However, for poor kids, the summer break is not an opportunity to learn. Their shelves are not jammed with books. They do not have money for summer camps. They just watch TV and play outside and have fun. The thing is, when they are having fun, their upper- and middle-class counterparts are out-learning them, and by the time school starts up in September or August, they are really behind on things. The article talked about an experimental school named KIPP (Knowledge is Power Program). This school, with 50% African American and 50% Hispanic students, starts at 7:25 and ends at 5:00. Most student...



Funny Vid

San Juan Island

Recently I went to San Juan Island. My favorite activity there was definitely the Zip San Juan zip lining tour. It started out easy, with two tiny ziplines, but then the zip lines got longer and the zip lines became more fun. For example, the last zipline was 612 feet long. You flew over a lake and through a forest. I thought it was interesting to see my own reflection in the lake while I flew over it. There was also a suspension bridge, which was terrifying and fun at the same time. There was no railing and the bridge swayed from side to side! My favorite restaurant would have to be the Market Chef. I loved the tuna salad sandwich I had. The tuna salad was rich and creamy. The pickles were perfect, and the bread was crispy. I also liked the chickpea soup, even though I would have preferred it without the chickpeas. I want to go back to these places again if we ever visit the island again!


A long time ago, there was a grandma who visited her three daughters every Monday. So one day, when she was going for a visit, she got eaten up by a wolf. Meanwhile, the parents were going for a walk outside, and the wolf seized this opportunity by knocking on the door and asking in. After some persuading, the girls were just about to open the door when their parents came back and killed the wolf with a stick. They saw that the wolf ate grandma and was just about to eat them. After this event, they learned to not open doors so hastily.


Recently I have been looking at a few stocks: Microsoft (MSFT), InvenSense (INVN), Wesco Air Holdings (WAIR), and Nintendo (NTDOY). First of all, I think Microsoft is a good choice for a few reasons. One, Microsoft is tentatively planning Windows 9 for developers September 30, and this will likely boost up the price of stock. The public will get it early next year. Along with the Windows 9 release, Microsoft is working on a combined version of Windows RT and Windows Phone, which might also boost up the stock. Third, the graph shows a steady upwards trend, especially the one year graph. Second, I think InvenSense is a good investment because it is making the iPhone 6 and iWatch motion sensor chips. With the release to the public rumored for September 16 to late October, The stock would jump very high. Devices like Google Glass, smartwatches, and other phones show higher rates of having gyros and movement chips in them, further boosting Invensense's income. The graphs also seem to ...



7 Habits

Today I read a bit in the 7 Habits about Sharpening the Saw. Sharpening the Saw is basically improving on yourself. This is like a lumberjack taking thirty minutes to sharpen his saw and another thirty minutes to saw the tree instead of taking five hours to saw the tree with a blunt saw. It is the idea that you need to review things that you have already gone over, that you cannot just forge ahead. An example of this is two people's relationships. If you do not sharpen the relationship with them after some time, thereby also understanding and learning about the other, and just forge ahead, the relationship will eventually blow up because you do not seek time to understand them. Also, your principles must be sharpened, or else they will fall out of practice and you will go back to being without principles, which will change a lot of things for the worse in your life. In conclusion, you must sharpen the saw, or else a lot of things will rust and fall away.






有子曰:“信近于义,言可复也。恭近于礼,远耻辱也。因不失其亲,亦可宗也。” The first principle means that to keep a promise or invitation, the promise or invitation has to stick to your integrity and be a promise worth keeping. The second principle means to only show respect to those who deserve it. Those who try to murder you or harm you do not deserve your respect. The final principle means that if the people you rely on and respect are worth your relying on and respect, then you are also worthy of respect.In the story, these principles were shown. The first principle was shown when one of the friends said that he would go to 魏 country first and secure a position, and then invite the other over. If the second friend had used the first principle, he would have discovered that the first friend actually wanted to hurt him, and that he probably should not follow to  魏 country. The second principle was shown when the first friend was really disrespectful to the second friend when he came, just because the empero...


Yesterday Kevin came over to my house. First, we played Blokus. Each of us got two colors and we tried to block the other's two colors from expanding our own territory with the differently shaped pieces. At the start of the game, I sacrificed one of my colors to make room for the other color. We played on, but Kevin still beat me up, winning me with only 4 pieces left, while I still had 8. After that, we played Robocraft on the computer. The new update took a while to download, and in the middle of a battle, Kevin's laptop ran out of battery. So I let him play on the house computer for a while with my robots. He was really good at aiming with the plasma cannons that I had. After he played for a while, I played for a while, and we both enjoyed it. In conclusion, I enjoyed the playdate yesterday because I found someone who was better than me at Blokus and we also got to experience the update together - it brought a lot of changes like tagging and the robot shop.



Chess Tournament

Yesterday I played in a chess tournament on It was a 15|10 standard tournament. The first two games I won. The first game, I was losing but played a marvelous combination that resulted in back-rank mate. My opponent resigned. The second game, I just played really well, resulting in a queen-for-rook advantage that led to his resignation after I got his rook too. The third game I lost. I played boss11111, who was the best player in the tournament. He beat me up because he did not have any minor pieces blocking his pawn storm, and I did. Because of that, he stormed me and my storm failed. So I lost. The fourth game I won, because the opponent sacrificed his queen for my rook. Then I promoted and sacrificed my queen for his rook, and I was up a queen in the endgame. He had 3 pawns, while I had a bishop, queen, and two pawns. The fifth game I lost because I played the third highest in the tournament. I sacrificed most of my pawns by mistake and then I didn't notice his ma...

Perseid Meteor Shower

Today morning at 3-4 am, I went outside to watch the Perseid Meteor Shower. At first, I thought it happened every 133 years and so this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Then it turned out that it happened every year, and the comet orbited the sun every 133 years, with the next orbit in 2126. The only special thing about this year was that the Perseids were getting joined by another meteor shower and a waning supermoon, which is a really bright moon. Sadly, I found that it was raining outside when I went to observe the meteors. The clouds completely obscured the sky and it was too wet to do anything. I would really like to see the meteors next year, though. I have seen pictures and it looks like a spinning disc with white dots on it. There are apparently around 50-100 meteors an hour, and an article said you could probably catch a tiny fireball once every five minutes,but I kind of doubt that. In conclusion, I hope it isn't raining next year!




Today in the 7 Habits book I read about synergy. Synergy is where both people in an argument or conflict are open and understands the other, mutually working toward a solution that will benefit everyone. This is basically Win/Win on a higher level. Instead of a compromise, this is like what the two people want merged together. This way, they both get pretty much what they want, instead of only half of what they want as in a compromise. To achieve synergy, there first needs to be trust. This can be achieved by seeking to understand the other party before explaining yourself to them. After this is accomplished, there will be higher trust, and everybody will be able to open themselves up. Then they can explain what they want or do not want, and both parties can work together towards a common solution. In conclusion, synergy is like the ultimate achievement after all of the other habits - the ability to combine everything together and understand that the whole is greater than the sum of...



Digging for clams

Yesterday I went digging for clams at a place called Lagoon Beach. I wore rain boots and used a big shovel to try and get clams out from under the dirt. At first, it did not work, as the places I dug in had no clams. Later, I asked a woman where the clams were and she said that there were a lot where there was a lot of seaweed and small crabs, on the far side of the lagoon. I told everyone they should go over there, but of course a lot of people didn't listen. Dad came over with me, though. While we were digging in one spot, we found that in another spot there were a bunch of spurts of water, which meant that there were a lot of clams there! We found over 20 clams in there, a whole family! After a while of digging, I was literally picking clams off the bottom of the beach. I cracked a few on accident, because I was digging the wrong way. But when I learned to dig the right way, I found five clams by myself. When it was time to leave, we accidentally drove towards the wrong ferry, b...

Six ways to build trust

Today in 7 Habits I learned about ways to build trust. There are six main ways. One of them is to understand others. By understanding them or just seeking to understand them, they will appreciate you more. Also, you will understand that their wants and needs might not be the same as yours. They might not like ice cream, so you would realize that maybe taking them out for ice cream isn't the best idea. This way, you will prevent awkward situations when you suddenly realize that he or she is a vegetarian and probably would not be able to eat much at the steakhouse where you have reserved a table for the evening. Another of them is to keep your promises. If you keep your promises, people will see you as trustworthy and will trust you more. On the other hand, if you do not keep your promises, people will see you as untrustworthy and might not trust you with anything in the future, and might even stop being your friend. I think that these six ways to build or lose trust are very powe...

A story of 200 words





Watermelon tastes good Looks good Smells good Feels good Eggplant tastes bad Looks worse Smells bad Feels worse Now what would you choose If you had to choose Between watermelon and eggplant?

Paddle boarding

Recently I went paddle boarding on Lake Washington. At first, I thought it was very hard. I couldn't balance. Every time I moved around, the board rocked and it was hard to keep my balance. I almost fell off a few times, but luckily I was able to right the board most of the time. I  found it really hard, but I tried standing up a bit. After a while, I was able to stand up and paddle, something that I found pretty hard. I was proud, but not for long, as a big wave knocked me into the water. After I got confident with the paddle boarding and could stand up and paddle, I started to try new things. First of all, I tried laying on the front of the board and propelling myself with my hands. I actually went pretty fast until my board flipped and I got soaked. I also found that turning was hard this way. Later I tried laying on the back of the board and kicking and swimming, but it still didn't work because the wave pushed the front of the board up and flipped me. In conclusion, I had ...


有个怪兽叫年,每365天他会来到村子里吃人。有个人叫阿宝,她的妈妈,爸爸,妹妹,都被年吃掉了。他痛恨年,但他也不知道应该怎么对付它。365天过了,年要来了,大家都准备离开村子了。但突然有一个老人从森林里走来。谁都不管他,只有阿宝给了他一点儿食物。他告诉阿宝,如果想对付年,就必须在门上挂对联,点燃红色的蜡烛,和点燃爆竹。果然,年一来就被阿宝家的这些东西吓走了。大家一回来都欢呼了,而且别的村子也都知道,如果你想对付年,就要在门上挂对联,点燃红色的蜡烛,点燃爆竹,和走亲串友道喜问好。 走亲串友:visit relatives and friends 道喜问好:say congratulations, send best regards

Fire building

Recently I went to Camp Colman, which is a overnight camp by the YMCA. My favorite activity there was fire building. The first time we did this, I tried using dry leaves to start the fire because I knew that it took some time for the sticks to start burning. But when we lit the fire, the leaves started burning very quickly and went out before the sticks caught fire. So instead we used dry grass, as the counselor suggested, and it worked very well. The fire started burning, the sticks caught, and it produced a lot of heat. The second time we did fire building, we failed for two reasons. First of all, we were not allowed to go back to our original spot, which had an abundance of dry sticks, and had to rely mainly on big logs and other plants and toilet paper. Second, we had to leave the fire for around ten minutes to move our rafts from raft building into the water. Because of that, our fire died and we were left with a useless lump of charcoal. In conclusion, even though fire building w...