A Week in the Life of Tiger Mother Amy Chua
Recently I read an article about a 'tiger mother'. The first thing I felt when I read this article was that this person was extremely scheduled, writing a small blurb every hour. She had a meeting from 10-12, then another from 12-2, then office hours from 2-6, then a PTA dinner, then a small party with drinks with her assistants. I can't even imagine having a schedule that huge. I would be exhausted by the end of the day. Also, according to her, she recognizes that once somebody gets good at something, they enjoy doing it. So she once worked her daughter to do a certain piano piece until she could get it right, no dinner, no fun, not even allowing her to go to the bathroom until she got it right. But after a while, her daughter got it, and everyone was happy. Then her daughter wouldn't leave the piano, she was so proud. In conclusion, I think this tiger mom schedule and regimen for her kids does have its advantages.