
Showing posts from January, 2016

Week of 1/31/16


Week of 1/23/16


At the CDC, a Debate Behind Cellphone Usage Risks

Recently, there has been growing concern at the Center for Disease Control over using your cellphone too much. A 2010 study said that there was no problem with using your cellphone, but that was 2010, and cellphone usage has increased by a lot in the past few years. When the CDC published new guidelines 18 months ago regarding the radiation risk from cellphones, it used unusually bold language on the topic for the American health agency: “We recommend caution in cellphone use.” The agency’s website previously had said that any risks “likely are comparable to other lifestyle choices we make every day.” Within weeks, though, the C.D.C. reversed course. It no longer recommended caution, and deleted a passage specifically addressing potential risks for children. There seems to be a lot of debate, as many scientists have reached different conclusions based on the same evidence. Radiation released by nuclear bombs is obviously harmful. Known as ionizing radiation, it is powerful enou...

It's an Unobstrusive Assistant Whispering in Your Ear

There has recently been a new innovation in technology, called the OrCam MyMe. Like Google Glass, the OrCam MyMe will speak to you through a Bluetooth earpiece. However, rather than hanging suspended above your eye, the MyMe camera is a pendant designed to clip unobtrusively on your shirt or perhaps your belt. The camera is designed to not have the privacy problems that the Google Glass faced, because it does not record user data, it just analyzes it. For example, one of the most interesting potential applications will be MyMe’s ability to generate a “word cloud” from a conversation without actually recording the conversation itself. The idea is that you would be able to later gather insights to your interactions with people in a less invasive and more useful manner. There are many other applications for this technology, and I think it might be paired with VR to create virtual worlds that are personalized for you to explore.


Meditation reduces stress and anxiety, makes people kinder, and gives people a more overall sense of well-being. The author of the article I read, Michael Hsu, apparently has practiced wu ming qigong for 15 years. For years, he was a fanatic and practiced many times each day. Yet now, with a family of three children, he cannot afford so much time to meditate. So he looked into ways to meditate less, so he wouldn't have to practice so much, but meditate better. That's how he found the Muse, a $300 meditation device that helps people meditate. It works by sensing your brain waves. The more unfocused you are, the louder the sound it makes gets, and if you reach ultimate focus, you hear birds chirping. Apparently this is a very effective tool, because he became more aware of what was going on around him, and also he really enjoyed using it, as it has an effective motivation system. After a while, he felt that he really wanted to use it every day. I think the Muse sounds interest...