
Showing posts from March, 2016

Week of 3/27/16

朱元璋去帮朱文正了。他边走边想:“我从一个物所有的放牛娃,到了千军万马的统率者,现在我要争夺天下!”但朱元璋想到陈友谅后,开始颤抖,因为陈友谅的大军比朱元璋的大军大三倍,和船也不是小的破船,是大的战船。七月十六日,朱元璋分兵两路,把陈友谅的退路挡住了。朱元璋想:“我一定不能输,要不然一切就全完了!”七月二十一日,朱元璋很抵触,因为他想不出来办法用他的小渔船来打陈友谅的大战船。朱元璋的名将徐达有办法,用很多小船分十几个路来打大船。陈友谅丢了二十多个战船。但陈友谅回击,把徐达的船打掉了,徐达的兵暂时失去了对船队的指挥能力。陈友谅趁机击沉了许多朱元璋的船。两方都损失了很多。 他们都退了一步。

It’s Discounted, but Is It a Deal? How List Prices Lost Their Meaning

Recently I read an article on the New York Times about how some prices on retail websites were listed to look like they were more expensive than they actually were. For example, the Cuisinart Mini-Prep Plus Processor is $40 on the Cuisinart website, but is listed at $75 with a $35 discount on Amazon. It looks like a good deal, but is it really? However, on some other products, like the Razer BlackWidow Chroma (, sells for $170 on the Razer Website and $140 on Amazon ($30 discount). I'm not sure if all of the prices are accurate, or if some of them are just not updated as much. It is a sales tactic that is drawing legal scrutiny, as well as prompting questions about the integrity of e-commerce. If everyone is getting a deal, is anyone really getting a deal? was recentl...

Week of 3/6/16

朱文正打走了陈友谅。 陈友谅被打的落花流水,决定攻打新城门。陈友谅到了城门。他攻城的时候,发现防守的兵们扔的箭石不猛烈,就叫他的兵们把吕公车。然后,守着这个门的将领居然把门打开了。他的士兵从门里冲出来,杀了一阵后退回到城里了。之后,汉军再也不敢打新城们了。最后,陈友谅决定攻打水路。防守的军队用长矛来打陈友谅的军队,但陈友谅的士兵用手抓住长矛,把他们停住。突然,防守的军队不再扔长矛了。过了两个小时的时间,汉军都觉得很奇怪。再过了一会儿,长毛又开始从城门上掉了。汉军试图抓住它们的时候,长毛把他们的手都烧坏了。原来防守的军队是去加热了。陈友谅大败,但还有很多兵。朱文正知道如果打持久战的话,他会输得,所以叫张子明去朱元璋要求援兵。