My Ideal Job

Imagine you have grown up into your adulthood. What would your ideal job be? My ideal job would be an architect for many reasons.
One reason is that I would have a lot of experience after a few years on the job. I would not be replaced by younger people then because experience is more valuable in this career. I would earn more.
Another reason is that I would be happy and content helping others. I would feel happy that I was helping others design their house and make it unique. I would also feel content thinking that I was helping the world, bit by bit, by designing houses and making the owners (and myself) happy.
I would like to be an architect because it would be a win-win situation for everyone!


  1. The first reason should probably be better phrased like "experience is more valuable in this career". You are not going to have more experience "when I grew up" but the more years you work, generally the more experienced you are. Be clear, "unlike others"... what do these "others" refer to?


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