
Showing posts from June, 2013

Spending Money Randomly

           Recently I have spent a lot of money on games in the App Store.            What happened first was that I connected my credit card with my Apple account, and all kinds of new possibilities opened up. I thought I could buy anything with the card, and so I bought a game... and then another... and then even more. I didn't think I was spending much, because I forgot about a lot of things I bought. Eventually I got an overdraft charge, and another. I didn't even know, and I didn't think to ask. Then mom got an email concerning this matter. She asked me about it. I rushed to delete all evidence from my email account, only leaving the one which my parents knew about.             They wanted to know what happened to the missing $60 dollars. I tried to cover it all up, but then dad found out about everything. I confessed and found out that during my careless spending, I had used up my checking ...

Los Cabos

           I recently visited Los Cabos. Los Cabos is a city in western Mexico.            My family stayed at the Royal Solaris All-inclusive Resort. There, we played on the beach, in the pool, and also drank refreshing drinks of all kinds at a bar. It was very convenient, as the bar was right in the water and there were seats underwater. The hotel room was also very clean and also pretty spacious. There were  fun activities almost every hour, and it was really noisy. I participated in many events, including ping-pong, toss the water balloon, and others.            The only activity we did outside of the hotel was a quick tour to the Arch, a natural rock formation. We rode out on a motorboat, and it was really uncomfortable since the waves were 4-5 feet high, and we were bouncing up and down the whole time. The whole family got to enjoy the view of the Arch, and it was pretty cool up close....


我读了《三国演义》里的头 4 章。在第一章里,有个叫刘备的人碰上了张飞,然后又碰上了关羽。他们便成了好朋友,然后在桃园里结拜为异姓兄 弟 。在第二章里,曹操被派了去杀一个人。这个人就是董卓。曹操没杀成,所以只好带着一脸笑把刀献给了董卓。在第三章,关羽要去杀华雄,曹操给他了一杯热酒。但张飞却不喝,决定先去杀华雄。他杀完后回来喝酒,那酒还冒着热烟呢!然后溜,关,张三人打败了吕布。最后一章讲了王允用连环计杀了董卓。

Tales of Beedle the Bard Book Report

         A few days ago I read the book "The Tales of Beedle the Bard". The book was full of stories about the magical world of Harry Potter, and I liked the stories "The Wizard And His Hopping Pot" and "Babbity Rabbity and her Cackling Stump".          "The Wizard and His Hopping Pot" was about a wizard who had inherited his dad's pot. The pot inherited the ailments of all the sick people around the world. The wizard was very mean, and didn't help anyone, so, naturally, the pot started growing warts, hiccuping and doing lots of other things. So, he was forced to help the people with ailments, and he became a kind wizard, and his pot also lost all of its ailments, turning back into a brewing pot.           "Babbity Rabbity and her Cackling Stump" was about a witch named Babbity Rabbity who helped witches and wizards to gain their freedom in the world. She taught the king a lesson and punished him for all his un...




           Today I attended a live jazz concert. One interesting thing I saw was the plunger mute. Another interesting thing I saw was the saxophones of different sizes.            First of all, the plunger mute is what it sounds like - a plunger without the stick. It is put on the front of brass instruments to help make them sound more human. It is clapped on and off the front while the instrument is being played to create varying sounds. Also, instrumentalists will lift off one side of the plunger and then press it back on instead of just taking the whole thing off the instrument.            Also, the saxophones were really cool. There were small ones about 2 feet tall, and some that were a lot bigger and were around 4 feet tall. The small ones made higher sounds, while the larger ones made lower sounds. I enjoyed listening to all of the saxophones playing together to create a really interestin...

Clam Digging

           Yesterday my family went clam digging. There, we found lots of shells, but not so many shellfish. It was interesting, though.            The main shellfish we dug for were clams, mostly the kind with ridges on the shell, because those were tastier, and they also had less dirt in them. We looked for breathing holes in the ground, then started digging. If we were fast enough, we would find the clam before it escaped, but otherwise, the clam got away and we were left with a big hole. The rake was a useful tool for scouring muddy ponds a few feet in diameter. I would drag the rake through the pond, and usually I would come up with four or five clams.            We also found other animals. For example, I found a bunch of sea urchins and a crab. My brother found two enormous sea snails, a few urchins, and also a crab. Among the animals we found were worms, bugs with red insides (I accidenta...


最近我们班在做一个城市摸拟。我在这个摸拟里是城市健康卫生官员。我可以罚款,我觉得很好,因为我拿到的钱很多。我可以罚上$3,000 呢!还有两个别的罚款的官员-救火员和警察。他们拿到的钱也挺多的。我们每个人也有商店来卖东西。我卖很多东西,比如这支,门牌,等等。很多人喜欢我的忍者镖。我用纸做,其实就非点儿力气就行了。我把东西都卖得挺贵,但是还有很多人买,因为我在最前面的桌子那儿,我的店很显眼。我一共从卖东西山东拿到了$1,600。我有个很喜欢的店,是我朋友Daniel和Greg的店。他们那儿的东西都很精致。我觉得这个摸拟很有意思! 我最后由$5,000多块钱,我赢了!