
Showing posts from July, 2013

Lego Camp Day #5

           Yesterday was the fifth and last day of Lego Camp, and we built basketball players out of the mindstorms.            For the first part of camp, I built a basketball shooter. The robot shoots balls into a hoop, and makes a sound when the ball enters the hoop. It was really cool, and we could even aim with it. I never made a hoop. It was really hard, even with the aiming system.            I liked the next part of camp - freebuild! I got to build anything I wanted! I built a tank thingy. I could steer with either of the touch sensors, and it was really powerful. It could wheel over bricks of really big sizes, even ones that were bigger than itself!            To sum up, the camp was really interesting!

Book Report on "Heroes For My Son"

           I have recently read a book about heroes like Albert Einstein, MLK Jr., Amelia Earhart, and others. I chose to write a book report on John Lennon.            John Lennon was born in Liverpool, England, October 9th, 1940. His parents were separated when he was young, and so he went to live with his Aunt Mimi. He was a troublemaker, and liked to be in trouble. Then he started to play instruments, which his mother had bought for him. He discovered he had a talent for music and found some other people to play with him, like Paul McCartney and some the other members of the Beatles. He died in 1980 when a deranged fan shot him.            John Lennon was a pacifist, and sang songs for peace. He believed in peace, and sang his songs about it. In fact, he became so popular and his ideas were spreading so far that J. Edgar Hoover had to tap his phone and follow him around with armed guard. He k...

Lego Camp Day #4

           Yesterday was the fourth day of Lego Camp.            The first part of camp was occupied with making a mini golf course. We made a golfer, which hit a ball, and a windmill obstacle to block the ball. I added a flag that would be pushed over if the ball entered the hole. Me and my partner had a lot of fun customizing the golf course, like adding minifigures to the blades of the windmill, making a small house, etc.            Then we got to add our own obstacle! I created an obstacle which I created myself, called the "Worm". It was a machine with treads that moved backwards and forwards all the time. It went in the ball's path , going haywire because of uneven weight. It was really cool. But my partner didn't like it, so I made it into a "Worm Ball Dispenser". It dispensed balls in front of the golfer! We also made an add-on that allowed us to make the golfer swing when we wanted it to...

Call Of The Wild Book Report

           I have recently read a book called The Call of the Wild . This book was about a Southland dog named Buck who later became a sled dog in the harsh Northland.. There were two main differences from when I first read it and when I read it again.            The first difference was that at first, I didn't really understand how the characters felt, and why, but after I read it again, I understood the characters' personalities more than I had after I first read it. I knew why they did most of what they did. I felt that I could form a picture of the characters, a concise one, after I had read it for the second time. The characters' emotions came to me more, like the dominance of the man in the red sweater, or the love of John Thornton, or any other character. For example, when John Thornton bluffed too big, and told everyone that Buck could pull one thousand pounds one hundred yards, I didn't originally understand what ...



The Worst Partner Ever

            Today I went to Lego camp. It was interesting, building windmills and all, but my partner really wasn't good. His name was Isaac.             I wanted to have him help build. But he was slow and clumsy, and didn't build very well. He thought he was really funny, saying that the next step was only something or the other, and he kept dropping things and fiddling around with the Lego program, messing things up. And he kept breaking things too.             I then wanted to have him program. But he didn't know how to do anything, even though the instructor explained it all during his talk. He randomly selected and dropped things, and then thought that he only should have to do simple parts, and just tried his hardest to find loopholes in the instructions instead of following them.             In the end, I had him clean up and take apart things. In a 100-piec...

Chihuly Garden and Glass

           Yesterday I went to the Chihuly Garden and Glass exhibit. They contained the works of Dan Chihuly, a famous glassblower.            One of my favorite works was the "Chandeliers". There were 5 multicolored chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and they were made up of many small modules put together, and it looked really cool. The biggest one, I would say, was the white one in the middle of the exhibit, which was around 15 feet tall! There were four others, blue green, red and orange. I liked orange the best, but Grandma said it looked like a bunch of bugs.            Another of my favorite works was the "Sun". The "Sun" would light up at night, looking like a real sun. It was outdoors, on a small hill. The hill was dark green with a circle of light green around the bottom, for a very good contrast. The sun was humongous, and, like the chandeliers, it was made of many small glass piece...


(外公葛伟亮写的派派故事) 我的童节往事之一:城堡             我三岁的时候,我们全家(我,爸爸,妈妈)住在新泽西。有一天,我 家买了一个大彩电,装彩电的箱子很大,我聪明的妈妈极富想象力,她在纸箱 的前面开了一扇门,在后面又开了一扇门,还专门开了一扇可开关的窗子,整 个纸箱一下子变成了一“城堡”。我用纸作了两面旗子插在“城堡”的两角,我就 成为“城堡”的主人—一个无冕的国王。每天吃完晚饭,爸爸妈妈总会到“城堡 ”访问我,我和妈妈在“城堡”里有说有笑。有一天,我一不小心将电视机前保护 屏撞坏了,吃完晚饭,我趁爸爸,妈妈还没有发现,就悄悄地躲进了“城堡”。 但事情终究暴露了,妈妈从“城堡”前门来找我,我一看不妙,就想“城堡”后门 蹓走,但不幸的是,爸爸在“城堡”后方等着我,终于没逃脱父母的一顿责备。 想起我的“城堡”,虽然十分简陋,但它比我所有的玩具都好玩,让我充满想 象。 我的童节往事之二:盼             小的时候外公外婆和奶奶都带过我。有一段时间是外公一个人看我的。 我的爸爸,妈妈在金融公司上班,很辛苦。每天一早就离家去上班,中午也不 回来,晚上回来的时间很晚,也是不定的,一天中大都份时间我和外公在一 起,每天晚上7点钟,外公将晚上吃的饭菜都做好后,就陪我玩,一直等到爸 爸,妈妈回来。一天没见到爸爸,妈妈了,我很想他们。这时我总缠着外公到 外面去等。车站就在我们住的房子对面马路上,我们就在这边等。眼看着一辆 辆公共汽车开来,带来了希望,但是当公共汽车离开,下车的乘客里面没有爸 爸妈妈的身影,就真又失望。又一辆公共汽车到站了,我心里默默的念叨着, 这回该见到爸爸,妈妈了,公共汽车开走,露出爸爸,妈妈的身影。我一眼望 去,跑过去,激动的喊“爸爸,妈妈”。爸爸,妈妈也听到了我的喊声,向我招 手,高声呼喊我的名字,匆匆地走过马路向我走来,这是我最幸福的一刻,终 于盼到了。         ...

Artemis Fowl Book #3

           I have recently read a book titled "Artemis Fowl #3: The Eternity Code". The main character, Artemis Fowl, was a very clever teenager.            For example, in North Russia, his plan to save his dad suddenly went wrong, and he had to alter the plan immediately. This wasn't easy, as it always isn't easy to think of a new plan in the middle of the old one. Also, because he had a family member at stake, it couldn't have been easy. But he did it anyway, and so he was very clever.            Also, while he was being held captive by the businessman Jon Spiro, he also came up with a plan to save himself and the technology the businessman had stolen. He did this while in a cell, and even got away with it. This proves he was very clever because the building had security systems unlike ones ever seen before, and so it must have been very hard to get out.           ...



White Water Rafting

           Yesterday I went white water rafting on the Wenatchee river.            The first part was very calm. We glided along, blasting each other with water guns and splashing people with paddles. We had to row quite a lot, and we got pretty wet from the water guns. I enjoyed blasting people with a water gun, as it provided immense satisfaction, and they were always really surprised when they were hit with 45-50 F water.            The next part was rough. We crashed through a few big waves, jumped a rock or two, got stuck on a rock, and looked in a cave. We also saw E.T. on somebody's back porch. That was creepy. Our raft also floated under bridges, and past tiny islands. At one point, we even saw a dam. We had to portage, or walk our raft onto the ground and then past the dam. The guide explained the dam's workings to us. And finally, we crashed through the biggest wave we had ever done, an...




           Yesterday I watched the 4th of July fireworks. They were really cool. My two favorites were the rapid fire one and the humongous one.             The rapid fire one shot out about 30 fireworks, one at a time, from side to side. The fireworks made mini explosions and had large trails of sparks. Then the firework shot out long lines of golden light from all directions, and then short ones, and then long ones, and then short ones, for quite a long time.             The humongous one was really cool too. It blew gigantic pinwheels of red, blue, green, and gold. It was a normal firework until it exploded into curving streaks of sparks that whistled. They fell towards the earth and then dissipated.             To sum up, the fireworks display yesterday was awesome!

Camp Colman

           Yesterday I returned from the YMCA Camp Colman, an overnight camp with a lot of activities.            One of the things I did there was ride the Giant Swing. The Giant Swing is a swing that is 72 feet tall. It has cables that support up to 1500 pounds, and the seat is around 10 feet off the ground. To go up, a group of people on the ground pull on a rope to raise you higher and higher until you get to the place you want to. Then, you tell "STOP!" and everybody drops the rope. You pull a cord hanging in front of your face, which releases a carabiner clip, which releases the swing. Gravity pulls you down, and you go flying over the forest. You also get a nice view of the Puget Sound. I went to around 30 feet. I love this activity because it is really thrilling, pulling a cord, dropping down and flying up again.            Another thing I did there was Ga-ga ball. This game is like dodge...