Camp Colman

           Yesterday I returned from the YMCA Camp Colman, an overnight camp with a lot of activities.
           One of the things I did there was ride the Giant Swing. The Giant Swing is a swing that is 72 feet tall. It has cables that support up to 1500 pounds, and the seat is around 10 feet off the ground. To go up, a group of people on the ground pull on a rope to raise you higher and higher until you get to the place you want to. Then, you tell "STOP!" and everybody drops the rope. You pull a cord hanging in front of your face, which releases a carabiner clip, which releases the swing. Gravity pulls you down, and you go flying over the forest. You also get a nice view of the Puget Sound. I went to around 30 feet. I love this activity because it is really thrilling, pulling a cord, dropping down and flying up again.
           Another thing I did there was Ga-ga ball. This game is like dodgeball, except it is played in a octagonal pen. The ball is tossed in while the players stand with their backs to the wall. For the first two bounces they yell "Ga" (one for each bounce). Then they are free to get off the wall and smack the ball with an open hand at the other players. You are out if the ball hits you under the waist. If it hits you in the head, the hitter is out, and if it hits you from the neck to the waist nothing happens. This game is very fun because it is very challenging to hit other players, especially if you can only use an open hand.
           Also, I went boating. The camp has funyaks, kayaks, paddleboards, and rowboats. I tried out the kayaks and rowboats. The rowboats were slow and hard to maneuver. The kayaks were a lot more enjoyable. We glided along the surface of the lake, moving very quickly and seeing the sights. I enjoyed the fresh smell of trees on the lake and also the feeling of moving along over the water.
           There were two special events - the Dork Dance and the Polar Bear Swim. During the dork dance, people dress up really weird and dance to songs for two hours. I didn't like it because I hurt my ankle in the first five minutes. The Polar Bear Swim was where the kids woke up at 7 AM and ran into the freezing water up to their necks, and then got hot chocolate. I didn't want to irritate my ankle, and I didn't really care for the hot chocolate.
           The final thing I did there was EAT. They had three meals a day, and my favorite by far was the DIY burgers. I mooched a bun and a patty away from a table who didn't want them and put a lot of toppings on it, in addition to my original burger. I ate two burgers and one twin popsicle that night for dinner and dessert. I was stuffed, but the food was really good!
           To sum up, I definitely enjoyed my time at Camp Colman, even though I got a few cuts, bruises, and around 40 mosquito bites.


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