Prompt Creative Story 2

Before I could do anything to stop it, the scream slipped from my mouth. "AHHHHHH!" I yelped as I stepped onto the roof. I started sliding around. The iReindeer opened its eyes to look at me. The one-use emergency cloaking machine on its back turned on and locked on me. WHIRRRRR...
Instinctively, I jumped up, grabbed the machine and tossed it into a toy sack. The sack suddenly disappeared with a loud SHWUNK! Down in the house, I heard sounds of "Who's there? What's that? Why won't anyone sleep on Christmas Eve?" I inched down the sooty chimney, sure that someone saw me. Sure enough, a small kid turned on the fireplace. I heard the rest of them spreading out. My feet were slipping through the soot, while the smoke was weakening and burning through my clothes. I tried to hold on, but my hands and feet were unable to find a grip on the sooty chimney walls.

Suddenly, my boot soles slipped off and I dropped towards the fire. At the same time, my belt broke in two and burned up. My waist suddenly bulged outwards, stretching my pants to their limit. My clothes were littered with holes. Luckily, the fireplace turned off right as I landed in it. “There’s nobody, mama! You’re dreaming!” I heard. I shot out of the fireplace, lobbing my toys under the bright Christmas tree. Then I sped back out of the house. I, the intrepid Santa, had made it through another house! I couldn't believe it!


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