When Websites Won't Take No for an Answer

Many websites are playing even more and more on people's natural feelings.
These strategies are employed frequently on websites like Amazon. On Amazon, signing out is hard. There is no obvious 'Sign out' button, and to sign out you have to hover over your name, and then scroll to the bottom. There is a small button which says "Not (blank)? Sign out". It makes you feel weird because to sign out you have to say that you are not you.
There's also scarcity inflation. Some websites say that there is only one left, when in actuality there are a lot left. This plays on people's natural biases, making them want to buy the product. Also, websites are designed so that it is easy to sign up, and then hard to opt out. Or so that the expensive things are highlighted, while the other things are very hard to see. Or that there are tiny checkboxes that you can barely see that will spam you with e-mail if they are left checked.
These websites do experience better results, because of psychology.


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