
Showing posts from 2017

Trading Experiences #2

Recently, I experienced automation in trading. A friend I met through trading from Germany coded an automated 'bot' that scanned websites for good deals and would notify people when a profitable arbitrage was found. It would give the percentage/amount of profit, the exact details about the item and which tradebot it was on, the prices, etc. It could also find the lowest/highest float items on bots (usually desirable, overpaid for) and other kinds of rare items. This really struck me because all the work I used to have to do by visiting all the different sites and looking for these items could be automated in no time. It gave me a sense of how slow we were, compared to computers and programs. What would take us fifteen minutes, could be done in three seconds, with greater accuracy. Before, I had to open the thirty or so sites I had, and then look for specific items on them, spending ~30 seconds on each at best, usually around a minute - that would be a 'run'. The bot c...

Coding Experiences #1

This week, I coded a program to find primes, given an integer to stop at. The program basically checks each new number for any divisors from the old list of primes, starting from 2 and going to the number / 2. By logging all the primes, many possibilities came up for future studies. For example, I logged the last digits of all the primes, and found that three and seven appeared more than one and nine. Along with coding that, another coding project I did was to calculate a problem for my brother. The problem asked for the amount of possible orientations of three dice such that the sums of the faces facing up was equal to the sums of the faces facing you. I brute-forced this, and got the answer, though a small typo of an 'e' to a 'c' messed me up pretty bad at the start.


我觉得西游记有很强的男比女更重要的感觉。第一,孙悟空他们都是男的。我觉得这个说明写这个故事的人觉得男的比女的强 - 根本没有一个女的陪唐僧去取经。第二,很多男的都有大于一个妇人。比如牛魔王,有两个妇人。第三,女的都打扮得漂漂亮亮的,老要在她们的夫人那儿哭着求他们帮忙 - 比如玉面公主被孙悟空吓了一下就去跟牛魔王哭去了。这说明写书的人觉得女的很弱,老要去找男的帮忙。我觉得从这个书上可以看出来以前和现在的不同。


我觉得西游记挺奇怪的。孙悟空他们应该是自己去取经的,但老要叫仙和菩萨帮忙。他们要打败蝎精的时候,试了好几次,都被蝎精打败了。他们只好去找菩萨,然后菩萨叫他们去找东天门的昴日星官。只有了他的帮助,才能打败蝎精。这可能是应为写这个书的人想要别的人觉得菩萨和天上的仙很厉害,连很强的精一下子就可以降。我觉得他也想要表达凡人有多弱 - 连孙悟空和猪八戒他们试了几次也打败不了蝎精。

China Harbor

Over the summer, I worked at China Harbor, a restaurant in Seattle. Every Saturday, I would go for a few hours. Through this experience, I learned a lot about what working at a restaurant was like. I saw the grimy floors in the kitchen, how some workers just ate from the plates of food that were being prepared (maybe they were being prepared for the workers, idk) and saw workers having to clean up after some customers pretty much demolished a table, making a huge mess - they were doing some thing where they took a wine glass, poured some kind of alcohol in it, and then placed a shot glass full of sake on top, balanced on two chopsticks. Then they would bang the table until the shot glass fell into the wine glass, and drink the whole thing. It made a lot of noise and really didn't seem smart. In general, I learned a lot about working at a restaurant, and it doesn't seem like something I want to pursue.

Chess Tutoring

Over the summer, I taught some chess lessons with the Orlov Chess Academy. Over a week, I interacted with a lot of kids, from 5 to 10 years old. What I think I learned from this experience is that teaching young kids requires a lot of patience. Half the time, they aren't listening, or they aren't understanding what you're saying. Then there were some that just didn't speak English - those were the hardest to talk to. I had to translate and teach both languages, as most people didn't speak Chinese. Combine that with the fact that most of them didn't listen to what I was saying, and it made teaching class a really frustrating experience - but it definitely helped me understand what teachers go through.


我最近读了西游记的一个部分,讲了虎力,鹿力,和羊力这几个人。我觉得他们这几个大仙在那儿特别坏。他们被封为国师后,就命令和尚给他们做苦活。唐僧他们实在看不下去,就去跟他们斗法。虎力,鹿力,和羊力不肯输,所以他们最后都死了。我觉得他们这种表现很傻 - 他们知道肯定斗不过孙悟空,为什么要去送死?奇怪的是,他们好像法力都挺强的,为什么这么容易就被杀了呢?我看羊力一下子就被油锅炸了,他真的没有更强的法力吗?孙悟空的法力也没那么强,也没被油锅炸。

Chess Camp

For the first four days of last week (Monday-Thursday) and today (Monday of the next week), I volunteered at a chess camp. The first four days were very chaotic. We were at the Bel-Red Bilingual Academy, and camp was full of people who either barely knew how to play, didn't know how to play, or had a basic knowledge of how some of the pieces moved. Most of them spoke English, but there were a few that could barely speak English, and it rapidly became my job to assist them. It was hard, but they improved a lot over the course of the camp. The thing that annoyed me the most was how noisy and chaotic they were - imagine a bunch of five-year-olds stuck in a room for two to three hours learning to do something they don't really have that much interest in. Today was much better - the players were all decent, and all spoke English. As most of them were around ten years old, it was a lot more peaceful. However, there was still quite a bit of ruckus. It was a lot easier to teach than ...


For the last week or so, we were in Japan. We started out in Tokyo. The weather here was nice, and the food was excellent, but I think overall, it was under our expectations. There weren't many attractions and things to do, and the ones that we went to were small compared to similar ones in other places. For example, there was a temple that we went to - we were done in twenty minutes, and had planned a whole morning there. I think the highlight of my time in Tokyo was the cooking lessons. We learned a lot about Japanese culture there, speaking with a native. The classes were small, and we learned how to make great food as well. After that, we went to Osaka. The heat in Osaka was insane - it was almost always above 90 during the day. This made walking around not very fun - especially hiking a mountain for half the day. We were all soaked with sweat by the time it was over. We didn't even get to the top. The food here wasn't bad either, but not as good as Tokyo (in Tokyo, t...


6/17: Today was my first day. I was shocked by the conditions in the kitchen, and I couldn't tell what half the people were saying - they all spoke with weird accents, and some spoke languages I didn't understand. Getting some money for my work was a nice feeling. 6/24: I started to understand things better today, and I feel like the waiters accepted me more. 7/1: Today, I did most of the stuff without having to be asked. It felt really nice, and the boss gave me a tip at the end. 7/8: Today, there wasn't that much work to do, but I worked hard. I don't think this is the job I want to do in the future - it's a lot of tedious work, and not much pay. 8/5: Today was my last day, and I feel like I've learned a lot about working in restaurants. I thought the conditions would be better than they actually were, and didn't expect the place to be so dirty in general. I've started to know what I'm supposed to be doing and where I'm supposed to be now, ...




他走进来,感觉有一点诧异。他决定探讨一下两个墙的区别。他发现,两个墙差不多。他力求知道这个屋子为什么奇怪。他决定他人生的追问就是发现这个默默无闻的屋子为什么那么奇怪。妈妈有意见 - “你干这个,就像那个想要找龙的人-肯定会一事无成,一点儿都不出色!”她他不断的说话,搞得我晕晕的。我很灵活地说:“那你说,我们如果让别的人来发现为什么这个屋子这么奇怪,也行啊。”她说:“这是个很创新的想法!他们在这儿学的知识也可以学以致用!”我心不在焉的说:“好啊。” 我已经在扫视周围,看着有没有人可以帮我们做这件事。第一个我找的人一听到我们要干什么就哄堂大笑,到了第一百个人,我们的应答已经倒背如流了,但还是没有人答应说想要做。我们拿了一些柴火,放了一个水壶,过了一个小时的议论,我们决定放弃这个屋子。




小明觉得浑身晕晕的,像刚刚起来一样。他摇了摇脑袋,觉得世界更清晰一点了。他推算出来,他肯定在自己的家里。他记得有个人,奥秘的说了:“等一会儿,我就会答复你." 然后他就晕倒了。他找到了一个名声很大的侦探,发抖地跟他说:“我对你可能是个陌生人,但我需要你的帮助。有个人可能在跟踪我,但是我都忘了他的面目了。我的衣服上有他的气味。还好,我的鼻子像警犬一样灵活。“你打的这个比方很好,”他说,“我可以帮你找这个人。但是你必须保密,不能告诉任何人我们在找他。”我们追到小偷的家,他很客气地把我们请进他的家里。他不知道我们的来意,但我想他心底里还是知道的。他不假思索地拿了侦探给他的烟和新鞋,不知道我们可以查出来他的指纹,脚印,血型,等等。他把烟灰和烟蒂放在了桌子上,问我们:“你们想要吃黄豆吗?”我们不知道他为什么问这个问题,但我们答应了。我拿了一个他没吃完的黄豆-从这个可以得到他的唾液。照理说,全部的小偷里,这个应该是最傻的一个,让我们把他的身份都分析出来了。突然,他发现了我们在做什么,敬佩的对侦探说:“你好聪明呀!”他突然从背后拿出了一把刀,开始追击我们。我的前额上出了冷汗。我们跑出门,看到有一个化装成老头的小孩,但我们一下子就看穿了他的化装。原形毕露,他也追着我们跑了起来。原来他们是同伙的!一个警察跑了过来,抓住了那两个坏蛋。他们低头哈腰的像警察求饶,但是这个警察不是一个宽宏大量的警察。他们毕生都在监狱里活着了。


小明端正的站在教室外面,跟我使眼色。他晚到了,想要我在老师议论这本书的时候跳舞,让老师分心,让自己进来。我觉得自己胆子不足,但老师差不多议论完了的时候,我爽快地站了起来,开始跳舞。老师很快就用他那双锐利,闪烁着光芒的眼睛盯着我了。我的思维突然转了一大圈,什么都想不清楚,晕晕的跳了一会儿。趁这个机会,我的朋友敏捷地跳进了课堂,老师根本没看见他。我们的班主任年事已高,我们学期完了后我们的年纪每一个班都得到了一个新班主任。我们的班主任鼻梁高,有个坚毅的下巴。他的嘴唇很漂亮,而且他的领带也很干净。他说了一会儿话,掌声爆开了。有一个同学不屑跟我说话,我跟老师说后第二天他就摸着脑勺,脸红耳赤的跟我道歉了,还给我做了作业 - 他告诉了我这个课文有几个小节。他的雅号就是:“好人”。他给我们讲文章时,在语文课的讲台上,讲的特别动人,特别亲近。


Today we explored Reykjavik. In the morning, we went to the Volcano House. They had a hands-on exhibit where we could touch most of the types of rocks that were in Iceland. Then, we watched a documentary about volcanic eruptions in Iceland, which covered two of the most recent and most devastating explosions. After a short visit to the church, we went to Apotek for lunch. The food was excellent. I had some plaice, and as an appetizer I had lamb tartar. The dish had a lot of powder on it, and I coughed and all the powder went everywhere. It was sad. After lunch, we visited the National Museum of Iceland. There was a lot of information there about the history of Iceland, and I think we had a good time. Brandon and Chris mostly screwed around, though. I'm sad that we'll be leaving Iceland tomorrow, but I'm looking forward to seeing more of Iceland tomorrow.


For the past three days, we've been in Iceland. When I first came to Iceland, my expectations weren't very high. The landscape was brown and devoid of any plants, and it was freezing cold. When we first arrived, the first thing that hit me was the cold. I immediately rushed to put on a jacket. Later, when we were driving around, Christopher barfed in the car. It was then that I felt that this trip was not going to go well. However, things turned around. The next day, we went on a tour through Iceland, and we saw many beautiful places. We saw a few waterfalls, and learned a lot about how the tectonic activity created volcanoes and fissures. Today, we saw more waterfalls, a beach with interesting rocks, and a huge glacier. It was a shame that we couldn't go on the glacier, though. I'm looking forward to exploring Reykjavik tomorrow, and getting a taste of the cities of Iceland instead of the countryside.