My Thoughts On Article "Microsoft's Concept Videos From 2000 Were Spot-On. So Why Didn't Ballmer Build Any of It?"

              My thoughts about this article were that Microsoft had a great idea, it just didn't execute it. If the things in the video actually worked, then Microsoft would earn a lot of money. With the idea of total voice control, sharing projects with just a word, and watching the news without so much as a click, it seems that this technology would instantly deem all other things useless. At the time, there wasn't much other resistance from other companies, and Microsoft could have pushed ahead. Now, they can still create these things, but other companies have already started to create them. I don't get why Microsoft didn't build these advanced things in 2000, when there were no iPads or iPods, or even iPhones. But, strangely enough, Microsoft decides not to work on these projects. I find this strange, as they created a whole press conference devoted to this, and didn't even try any of it. They might call some things .NET, and whatever, but names aren't important compared to the products. Therefore, I think that Microsoft made a big mistake not doing anything about this futuristic technology in 2000.
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