
I recently have started playing tetherball.
    Tetherball is an interesting game where you use your hands to smack the hanging ball around. There is a circular court, which is split into halves. There is a player on each half, so there are two players total. In the middle of the court, there is a ball, tethered to a pole with a rope. The goal is to hit the ball in a direction, and make the ball spin around the pole in that direction until the ball wraps around the pole so tightly that the ball hits the pole and starts to go in the opposite direction. Then you win. So, one person hits the ball in one direction, while the other person hits the ball the other way. You can't go onto the opponent's side of the court, nor can you hold the ball or touch the rope. The ball can be tossed in one direction and then hit back in the other direction, and the same player can hit it more than once in a row.
Today, some interesting things happened in a tetherball game. I "ropey"ed (threw the ball up by the rope) it up high, into the air, and it hit Patrick Fan on the head. That was hilarious. In another match, Alex Leu kept beating Patrick Fan with a "Tornado" (a bunch of repeated shots that ends with a win for the hitter). Patrick Fan kept jumping up and down, but he never reached it. That proves that your success in tetherball is also dependent on your height and whether you go first or not - your opponent might not even touch the ball in a certain game!
All in all, tetherball is an interesting game!


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