The Silent Movie and Mighty Wurlitzer

                Today I went on a field trip to the Paramount Theatre. I was there to see the Silent Movie and Mighty Wurlitzer matinee. The matinee was an old silent movie accompanied by a 1928 organ - or the one-man orchestra - and special sound effect creator.
                The first silent movie was one starring Charlie Chaplin. Charlie was selling a clock when he noticed there was something wrong with it. He took out a stethoscope and banged on it. Then he started taking it apart, starting by opening the back with a can opener. He found a mouse inside and squirted it with machine grease, stopping it. Then he tried to put everything back together - and failed. He jammed some things into the clock. Then he took the customer's hat and put the rest of the stuff and the messed-up clock inside the hat. I think this short was really funny.
                Another interesting part happened because this year is the 100th anniversary of Charlie's famous character, the Little Tramp. Some students dressed like Charlie Chaplin did their best Chaplin walks and some were pretty funny. At the end, a video of Charlie Chaplin's strange walk was shown, and even though some people came close, nobody really captured the liveliness of the actual Charlie Chaplin.
                In conclusion, today's field trip was made even more special because this year is the 100th anniversary of Charlie Chaplin's big debut.


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