
Showing posts from June, 2015

Mesa Verde Tour

Today was our tour at Mesa Verde. The first thing the tour guide talked about was the Puebloan people. We learned about their history, and when they created the Cliff Palace and many other cliff dwellings. Apparently they stayed on top of the mesa for 600 years, then suddenly shifted downwards, into the cliffs, where they built lots of houses. What amazed me the most was that the Puebloans were able to build so many houses of such high quality in the 89 years that they stayed in the cliffs. The second thing the tour guide talked about was the houses and their purposes. Some houses, called Kivas, were gathering places. They had a little hole in the top for the smoke to come out from, and there were seats to sit on, and a mud/crosshatched roof. It was pretty cool to look at. I think Mesa Verde was really cool, but really expensive at the same time.

Canyonlands National Park

Today I visited Canyonlands National Park. The first part of our trip was to the Island in the Sky. The Island is the most accessible part of the national park, with a lot of trails and attractions.We visited the Mesa Arch, which is an arch over a cliff that looks really cool. I even climbed on top of the arch for a photo. It was scary, as there was a huge cliff drop two feet backwards. The second part of our trip was to the Needles. The Needles are little fingerlike structures that stick up from the ground. There were a lot of them in the places that we visited. I think they were formed when fins were eroded from the top, unlike arches, which are eroded from the bottom. That makes them turn from fin-shapes to spiny spikes. I had a lot of fun in Canyonlands National Park!

Arches National Park

Today was another searing hot day in Utah. The first thing we did was drive to the Arches National Park visitor center. In the visitor center, there were lots of interesting exhibits like animals that live in potholes. Also, there was an exhibit on which kind of rocks there were in the park. In the end, I went and got a stamp for my passport. That made a total of 3. The second thing we did was to go to the actual arches in the park. We saw six or seven arches and a few caves. My favorite arch was the Turret Arch, as it had a big crack in the center. There were a few rocks in there that looked like they would fall down any second. It was really interesting to see the crack and think about how it could have formed. I have had a good time so far in Utah!

Dinosaur National Monument

Today I went to the Dinosaur National Monument. This 'monument' is a huge national park, with lots of dinosaur fossils and other fossils. The first thing we did when we got there was to go to the visitor center. There, I used my national park passport, which we bought at the Rocky Mountain National Park. Using the stamp, I collected my second stamp in the collection of a bunch of stamps from a bunch of different national parks in a bunch of different places. My least favorite part of the trip was the hike. It was one mile long, but we took lots of detours, including one to see some amazing clam fossils (sarcasm intended). It was searing hot, and after the first few yards I was sweating. For some reason, the sunscreen wasn't working on my legs, and they had turned really read by the end of the trip. It felt really good to make it back to the visitor center in the theater where the shades were all down and the AC was cranked up really high. There were many fun parts and ma...

Second Day in Colorado

Today was the second day in Colorado. The first place we went to was the Red Rocks National Park. At the park, there were many - you guessed it - red rocks! They were huge, and we climbed all over the ones that we could. There was a really cool amphitheater made out of the rocks. There was a small stage, and a cave surrounding it, so the sound is focused outwards. There were at least 30 rows of seats there. The second place we went to was a lake. The lake was beautiful, with lots of trees and ripples in the water. We took a walk around the side of the lake, and got a closer look at the beautiful scenery. We then tried to catch some fish in the lake, unsuccessfully. We also tried to catch some dragonflies. Mom caught one by accident. She was just grabbing around and caught hold of one. We were all amazed. I had a great time today, and my favorite place was definitely the lake.

First Full Day in Denver

Today was the first full day in Denver. In the morning, we visited the Art Museum. In the art museum, the best part was the Shrinkydinks. They were in the shapes of flowers. You drew on it, they hairdried it, and your shrinkydink was done. Then you attached magnets to the bottom so you could put them on refrigerators and things like that. I like these because they gave you great chances to express your creativity. In the afternoon, we visited the Natural Science Museum. It was great. My favorite part was the Space Odyssey. It was crazy. There were all kinds of things you could imagine, like a crater simulator where a machine drops a lead ball into some sand to show you what kind of crater it would make in real life. There was also a galaxy simulator, where you could simulate suns and planets and asteroids and comets in a galaxy, with them all interacting with each other. I loved to put together a bunch of suns and make that sun just eat everything up. I really enjoyed the first day ...

The Latest Tech

Recently I read two articles about recent technological developments. One of them is the SoftBank robot named Pepper. Another is an unbreakable encryption system by Toshiba. The robot named Pepper is apparently very popular. The first batch of 1,000 sold out in under a minute. However, the prices are quite large. They cost 25000 yen per month for 3 years. That totals out to 7294.72 dollars. The robot is a breakthrough, though. It can read peoples' facial expressions and know how you feel. It can carry out basic conversations. The Toshiba unbreakable encryption system is based on photons. If the photons are viewed or modified in any way before they get to their destination, they will look different when they get to their destination, and people will know it has been tampered with. The messages are encoded with these keys, contained in the photons, and the patterns never repeat, making the code theoretically impossible to break. I am excited to see what other new technology the wo...



Beats Headphones are Not as Luxurious as You Think

Recently I read an article about Beats by Dre Headphones not being as luxurious as most people think they are. A recent blog post on a website called Medium stated that “One of the great things about the solo headphones is how substantial they feel. A little bit of weight makes the product feel solid, durable, and valuable. One way to do this cheaply is to make some components out of metal in order to add weight. In these headphones, 30% of the weight comes from four tiny metal parts that are there for the sole purpose of adding weight.” That is a bit ridiculous. Making headphones weigh 50% more just for some added luxurious feeling just shouldn't be done. When people find out, as they always do, the company receives a lot of negative feelings. Additionally, the ridiculously excessive and elaborate packaging, while totally unnecessary if not downright frustrating, also serves to create the illusion that you’ve just purchased a truly high-end quality product. Incidentally...

The June Smart Oven

A new oven identifies the food you put into it then offers to cook it for you. All you have to do is press “OK.” The oven is large enough to hold a full pizza or a 12 lb. turkey .Beneath its handle, there’s a 5-inch touch screen and a single all-purpose knob. Within, there are two temperature probes and a high-definition video camera with fisheye lens. It’s got Wi-Fi. And within the oven’s four feet are scales that can weigh whatever’s inside the oven (or even on top of it). Basically how it works is that the camera takes a good look at the food you put in there—not just color but texture, shape and relative size—and figures out what it is. In the demo, it could tell the difference between bagels and cookie dough, which is amazing, because they look kind of similar in color. June’s creators say it can currently identify about 15 different common foods including frozen pizza, bacon, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, potatoes and even two kinds of fish: salmon and tilapia. Then the...


北京市在6月1号禁止了在很多地方抽烟。 这个措施对北京有很大的影响。北京里有大约4000000000个抽烟者,这是整个城市的4分之1。有些不能抽烟的地方是餐馆里,学校里,和巴士里。北京市还在威信上创建了几个帐户,说如果看到人抽烟的话,照一个照片放在威信上就行了。很多人都说这个措施很好,和已经有很多照片了。还有一些警察抽烟的照片呢! 可惜很多抽烟的人不理这个措施。他们还在照样的抽烟,还是抽得很多。这个措施虽然好,但没有足够人来执行。如果警察都在抽烟,那怎么可能指望他们来抓住在抽烟的人呢?我觉得这个措施虽然好,但没有被创造者想透。中国实在有太多抽烟的人了。 我真的希望这个措施能成功,但我觉得不可能,因为有太多人在中国抽烟了。

Working Mothers Who Make It All Work

Recently I read an article about women who work. Many of them work 'split shifts', where they work in the morning, then go home to take care of their children and put them to bed, an then go to work again in the night. To me, this sounds really exhausting. How much sleep would they get every night? And if they get enough sleep, how much work can they accomplish? It seems like a really busy life. One of the mothers, the one that was interviewed in this article, had enough time to make elaborate cakes and go to movies with her children. I find that amazing. She also said she works 60 hours a week and travels to many different cities for her job. She also went on dates with her husband. I am really amazed by people who can work 60 hours a week or more, find time for their children, and still keep up socially. I can't think of how efficient you would have to be to do that.


河北省是中国华北平原的北部沿海,因为地处黄河下游以北而得名。古代的河北省地处边陲,长期与塞外游牧民族作战,后来又成为首位北京的屏障,军事的为相当重要。 河北的赵州桥是很有名的。赵州桥,又成为安济桥,是在605-618年建的。桥有64.4米长,是世界上最长的石拱桥。桥的两端有两个小石拱,不是实心的。如果有洪水的话,那这些洞可以让水漏出去,不让桥受到太大的伤害。这个桥现在还存在,经历了10次水灾,8次乱战,和许多地震。这个桥的建筑真好。 一个别的很有名的地方是雾灵山。雾灵山是燕山的主峰。雾灵山在古代就是旅游胜地。雾灵山常年云雾笼罩,有一种仙风道骨的感觉,被清王朝划为清东陵的“后龙凤水区”禁地,封为皇家风水宝地。 河北省是一个肯定要去的地方,有那么多漂亮和有趣的东西!

Hands-On With the Oculus Rift and New Touch Controls at E3

The Oculus Rift has made a comeback. Oculus has been making virtual-reality headset prototypes for about three years, and each has had problems. Either the device was too heavy or had nauseatingly slow refresh rates, for example. None has had a decent control scheme. During that time, gaming companies have built impressive headsets with three-dimensional audio, pixel-dense displays and creative controls. At E3, one of the demonstrations for the Rift was a game called Eve: Valkryie. In the game, you are in a fighter jet that has been catapulted out of a huge starship to fight in a large dogfight. Usually, this causes motion sickness, as you move around a lot, but after 15 minutes, according to the writer of the article, he felt fine. The writer also said that the audio was exceptionally good, not hurting his ears or anything, but still producing 360 degrees of audio. Another main feature was the Oculus Touch. When you use these controllers, they can make your in-game avatar do what...


天津市在华北平原东北部。天津市两个很有名的地方是狗不理和渤海湾。 狗不理包子是很有名的一个做包子的餐馆,是一个叫狗子的人在1858年创始的。他做的包子特别好吃,谁都想去他那儿吃,所以他的生意很好。生意越来越好。后来,他已经没有闲心理他的客户了,就在那儿做包子。所以这店叫狗不理,因为狗子不理他的客户。在2005年,狗不理被同仁堂买下来了。 渤海湾也很有名。 以前,这个地方到处都有人钓鱼,因为鱼很多。现在,因为污染,很多鱼都死了,所以没有人在渤海钓鱼了。渤海湾也有很多石油。科学家说这儿有大约6132000000000000加仑油。已经有很多人在这儿挖油了。我觉得他们如果能找着这么多油,他们肯定会挣大钱的。 下次去中国,我想去天津玩一玩,吃一吃狗不理包子。

Favorite Animal

Many people liken themselves to animals, My favorite animal is definitely the mountain goat for two reasons. I am like a mountain goat because I balance very well, and I also like to climb along rocks and uneven surfaces. Mountain goats can climb quickly in mountains - they have mountain in their name! I think I am like the mountain goat in many ways.

Taekwondo Class

Taekwondo class is getting better and better. I now understand how the classes work, so I no longer have to look at what others are doing to know what I should be doing. Some of the basic aspects of Taekwondo class are that you have to say 'Kuniyet' or something like that at the start of the class as a greeting.Then you bow and say 'Chediyet'. Then you say something else, bow, close your eyes, and stay like that for around 30 seconds. After that, you start class by doing stretches. After stretches, you practice kicks, punches, and your form. In addition, I have already memorized my form, even though I've only had 5 classes. Form is basically a series of moves that increases with complexity as your level goes higher. For example, my form is only 8 moves, but the next form is 20. I'm not sure if the number of moves increases by the same amount or not, because then by black belt our forms would be huge. There is still a lot to learn about Taekwondo, and I am rea...


北京是中国今天的首都,也是中国的七大古都之一。以前,北京当过燕国,辽国,金国,元朝,明朝,清朝的首都。 北京的四合院是很有名的。四合院的建筑形式从汉代开始逐渐形成, 到了唐宋时期,这些建筑已经到处都是了。他的布局一般在东南西北四面建房,中间围出一个院子,院子的外墙除大门外,没有窗户或通道与胡同相连,恰好满足了一个典型的中国封建家庭四世同堂的居住需要。 香山也是北京的一个旅游景点。香山是一个著名的皇家园林,在北京西山。西山挡住了寒风,很适合植物的生长。香山四季景色不同,其中最为有名的就是香山红叶。金秋时节,香山满山红叶。 下次去北京的时候,我想看一看这些有趣的地方。




I have been hiking many times, and I have always not wanted to go at the start, but I always really enjoyed it at the end. At the start of the hike, I always feel like I could be doing something more productive, like learning about chess. I regret going on the hike and really want to go home. I walk really slowly, hunched over, bored, thinking about other things. These feelings are even more pronounced if it's muddy or raining. Then I feel like the hike is an absolute waste of time and am very negative for the first half of the trail. In the middle of the hike, I feel like I have succeeded. I have got to the top, the very ultimate part of the trail, the most beautiful part. I feel happy. I have completed half of the trail and I feel ready to take on the other half. I take a break, drink some water, eat some food, rest. Then I start trekking back. On the way back, I feel immensely proud. I have made it to the top, and I will make it back down. I will. I walk with a spring in my s...

What is Good and What is Bad About Playing On a Sports Team

Playing on a sports team can offer many chances for making new friends, but it also offers a lot of chances for disappointments and bullying. When you win your team a game, everybody congratulates you and wants to be your friend. But when you accidentally make a hand ball or a foul, which costs your team a game, everybody regards you as a failure. Sports teams have many benefits and many disadvantages. Sports teams build up character, making people stand up and persevere through hardness and failure, and force people to remain modest throughout successes.



Jurassic World

Yesterday I watched a movie called Jurassic World. It was a really interesting movie, and sparked a lot of thoughts for me. In the movie, two kids visit their aunt, who works at Jurassic World. Then, the newest research project, a huge hybrid T-Rex, breaks out of its cage and rampages through the park. Narrowly escaping the dinosaur, the kids run back to the park, and the dinosaur comes after them. Lots of people die, and the kids find themselves stranded on the island with their aunt and a Navy veteran. They set a dinosaur that is loyal to them loose, which kills the T-Rex. Then, the dinosaur leaves and they leave the island. This movie made me think a lot. If people could create dinosaurs, and not only create, but modify them, then what else could they do? If they cloned people, who would the people be? What would their relationship to their gene donor be? What would their rights be? Would they belong to the gene donor? Also, I thought about an idea that was expressed many times in...

Too Much Graffiti (Writing Prompt)

There is too much graffiti at our school. It is all over the place, and it needs to stop. An obvious way to stop the graffiti is to install security cameras. When people come in and try to graffiti the school, all their movements will be caught on camera. The next day, they will have an unpleasant surprise waiting for them. Security cameras are the most straightforward and obvious way to solve the problem of graffiti. As the people who do graffiti realize that they always get caught, they won't graffiti the walls anymore and your problems will be solved.

An Invention That Has Changed The Way I Live

Throughout the years, many different and interesting gadgets have been invented. But out of all of them, I have to say that the one that changed the way I live the most was the computer. With a computer, I am able to write a lot faster than on paper. I can save things without taking up any physical space. I can play thousands of different games that are all interesting and fun. A huge network of resistors, chips, wires, which all come together to form one of the most important inventions in my life today. Makes things faster. Makes thing take less space. Makes a huge library of entertainment options. The computer.



Why Someone I Care About Is Important To Me

Who do you care about? I care about lots of people - my friends, my family, my teachers, and many more. However, out of these people, one of the people that is important to me is my mom. She is important to me because she teaches me at home. She teaches me how to cook, how to speak Chinese, how to be a good person. She is also important to me because she helps me with my life, going over my work, checking my schedules... My mom is important to me for many reasons and I really care about her.



Why Honesty Is Importatnt in a Friendship

If you feel that a stranger is not being completely honest with you, would you become their friend? Would that make you like that person more? The answer to both of those questions is probably 'no'. That shows you how important honesty is in a friendship. If people don't trust each other, how can they share their own selves with other people? How can they feel comfortable talking and being with the other person? Honesty is a very important trait, and it helps many people make friends. As you can see, honesty helps people to be able to share their personalities with other people, and helps make them comfortable with the other person.


吉林省是东北地区的中部。除了汉族以外,朝鲜族是吉林省的第二大民族。很多倍的民族的交流产生了吉林省的文化。满族,朝鲜族文化同汉族的中原文化相互融合而成。这种文化既包含原住民如满族先民的生活习,也有后来汉族人的生活习惯,是一中具有包围性的地域文化。吉林丘陵是长白山的一部分,在吉林省的中东部。丘陵一般海拔 300-600 米,相对高度 50-400 米;超过千米的山峰很少,山势大多平缓浑圆。这些小土坡很漂亮,到处都湿绿绿的草,蓝蓝的天。吉林省的松花江也是很有名的。松花江是黑龙江最大的支流。全长 1900 千米,流域面积 54.56 万平方千米。松花江在吉林省靖的主要支流有辉发河,饮马河,伊通河,和呼兰河。河边上长着绿绿高高的树,十分漂亮。吉林省有很多漂亮和特别的地方 !

Taekwondo Lessons

Yesterday I had some taekwondo lessons at a place called True Martial Arts. The first half of the lesson was basically doing drills and practicing kicks. The instructors looked at me a lot and said that I was doing something wrong a lot. It wasn't really enjoyable at all, because they kept telling me to redo stuff. I did a few stances, but I had no idea what the stances meant or how they were supposed to be done. Later they asked if this was my first time there. I said yes, and they all started apologizing and said that they didn't know. They did the orientation, where I learned the basics, and then I went back to class. It turns out that it wasn't the instructors' fault. It was the woman at the front desk's fault, because she was supposed to tell the instructors that it was my first time, but she never did. Apparently she left before I went to class. She was also really simpleminded. She kept thinking I was a person called Jenny Peng, and I think I look male. My...

How I Changed When I Became a Middle Schooler

Lockers, periods, rushing around all day... surprise! New classmates! After fifth grade, I was dropped right into middle school. It was a huge source of apprehension and excitement. I didn't know who would be in my classes, as they all had different people. I didn't know how the schedule would work, because I had never been introduced to 'periods' before. After a while, middle school became second nature to me. The excitement gradually wore off, but here I am, still in middle school, and still remembering the first few days of craziness and excitement.



Visiting a Real Estate Site

Today I visited a real estate site in Bothell. It was my dad's friend's, and he had bought up most of the properties on the two blocks we visited. Both blocks were for commercial use, and they were pretty good locations. They were right next to the city hall and the main street, and most of the buildings were already built very well and didn't need renovating. For example, there was a building for hand therapy, and it looked pretty good, and had 3 stories. Then there was this consulting agency, and the building was really clean and looked great. Apparently the interior was also very furnished, though we didn't get to see it. I think this entire real estate thing is like Monopoly. The buyers of land in real life are the people who just buy all the good properties in sight in Monopoly, and the people who pay them money when they use their services in real life are like the people in Monopoly with no properties who go bankrupt. I like their idea to move some businesses i...

Dress for Success

When you first see a person, their clothing can have a big impact on your first impression of them. In my opinion, 'dress for success' means that you should dress according to the situation. For example, if you are going to an interview for a job at a big company, you should probably dress formally. However, if you are going to a party with your friends, you obviously shouldn't dress formally. Different types of clothing also have benefits. Wearing shorts instead of skinny jeans in track and field makes a difference. Dressing for success means wearing the appropriate type of clothing to the right place. Otherwise, you will have disadvantages compared to others, and will look strange. The next time you go to a party or a big event, be sure to wear the right clothing and dress for success!



How Can Disappointments Have a Good Side?

Have you ever encountered a disappointment and been unhappy for a long time? Well, maybe you shouldn't have been that way, because disappointments can have a good side. For example, if you learn from them, disappointments can be good. In addition, if they help you in the long run, like finding out that your best friend is going to a different but worse college than you because he didn't make it into your college. Disappointments aren't always bad. Sometimes, they help you more in the long run than they make you sad. Also, disappointments are a good learning opportunity, to make sure you never make the same mistake twice.



Expository Topic & Conclusion

Think about an extinct species that you would like to bring back to life. Discuss the reason you would like to revive the species and what you would hope to learn about them. Columbian Mammoth  Revive because could learn a lot about the family of mammoths and life long ago, as was discovered 1.5 million years ago Would hope to learn how they coexisted with woolly mammoths and how they interbred, and what would happen in real life as a result Conclude Have you ever heard of the Columbian mammoth? It is a species that lived as far north as the Northern United States and as far south as Costa Rica in the Pleistocene epoch about 1.5 million years ago. Many species are its relatives, including the pygmy mammoth, the Asian elephant, and the steppe mammoth. Therefore, it is a great animal to revive because scientists could learn a lot about the family of mammoths and how life was long ago. Scientists would also be able to learn about how they coexisted with woolly mammoths and how...