Visiting a Real Estate Site

Today I visited a real estate site in Bothell. It was my dad's friend's, and he had bought up most of the properties on the two blocks we visited.
Both blocks were for commercial use, and they were pretty good locations. They were right next to the city hall and the main street, and most of the buildings were already built very well and didn't need renovating. For example, there was a building for hand therapy, and it looked pretty good, and had 3 stories. Then there was this consulting agency, and the building was really clean and looked great. Apparently the interior was also very furnished, though we didn't get to see it.
I think this entire real estate thing is like Monopoly. The buyers of land in real life are the people who just buy all the good properties in sight in Monopoly, and the people who pay them money when they use their services in real life are like the people in Monopoly with no properties who go bankrupt. I like their idea to move some businesses into the hand therapy building, as it is the perfect place for a Starbucks. At a busy intersection, with a built-in drive-thru and a huge parking lot, what more could you want?
I learned a lot today from the visit, like what made houses more or less valuable, or what made a location good. I also learned about how some places had limits on how high you could build, even though there was no scenery that high buildings would block.


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