
Showing posts from July, 2015


Recently I read an article by the New York Times about stowing away on ships. The article revolved around one of George Kallimasias' ships. The nation’s major shipping families have a reputation for noblesse oblige — many of the island’s soccer fields, schools and hospitals bear plaques with their names. Mr. Kallimasias, though, is decidedly invisible. Mr. Kallimasias’s seaside house in Chios sits behind a 15-foot wall. When he drives around, he is typically accompanied by bodyguards, according to a former employee and associates in Athens. There have been tens of cases filed against him for debt, but only one has succeeded. In the 1980s, when one of Mr. Kallimasias’s companies failed to repay a loan of more than $11 million to the National Bank of Greece, members of the Greek Parliament investigated. They found one ship of his worth seizing, but it caught fire at sea and sank, in what was believed to be a deliberate act to collect insurance on it, according to legal d...


广东新闻网惠州6月2日电(陈日洋)惠州博罗县罗阳、柏塘、湖镇等地2000亩葡萄园陆续开园采摘,6月1日,吸引了各地游客带着小朋友亲子游,走进园区体验采摘葡萄瓜果乐趣。有的葡萄园还试水“微商”模式,网上售卖原生态葡萄。 该县湖镇镇新围村的葡萄园就是其中一家。据了解,该葡萄园是由湖镇镇金桦葡萄专业合作社种植,面积达380亩,是目前全县面积最大的葡萄园。仅6月1日一天,该葡萄园就卖出了近千箱葡萄。这些葡萄园因为今年下大雨,说葡萄多了30%,和自有采摘葡萄的季节可以到9月。这说明葡萄园今年有了个很好的年,种了很多葡萄,而且很多都生长成熟的葡萄。

Last Day of DigiPen Camp

Today was the last day of DigiPen Camp, when we presented our projects. My favorite was probably Ethan's. I knew Ethan from DigiPen last year, and he was pretty cool. This year, he made a 'horror' game, where a Lenny face chases you around. It is really scary when you turn around and suddenly you see him - the Lenny face, and die.The Lenny face is used as an alternative to the troll face or used for spamming forums. It is made to look annoying. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°) ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ Different variations of the Lenny Face ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) My second favorite project was Brian Comes' Just another Puzzle Game. It is a really hard game where you navigate the world around you by picking up blocks and dragging them around. In every place, you have to figure out what to do. It is kind of like an escape game, where you try to escape from an evil place, in this case, jail. There are pressure pads, secret passageways, and all kinds of cool stuff. I had a lot of fun today seeing others...



Dominique Ansel’s New Tasting Menu

At U.P., pastry chef Dominique Ansel’s new after-hours tasting-menu venture, dessert-cocktail combos based on life’s firsts deliver rushes of recollection. U.P. is a very exclusive place. There are only eight seats, first of all. To get a seat, you have to register online at least 7 weeks in advance, and even then you might not get a seat. They have ticket sellings periodically, and the tickets sell out very quickly. I can't believe that people would be so eager for a few desserts. All 8 desserts together with drinks are $110 per person, and you have to sign up in pairs. One of his desserts, First Kiss, involves bringing a smooth, voluptuous ceramic bowl designed to feel like a woman’s cheek to the person's lips. (A stubbly “male” version is also available.) Sweet raspberry liquid fills your mouth, along with small spheres that tasted like cream soda. Getting to the final prize—a tiny portion of panna cotta—required a kiss of the so-called French variety. The pairing drin...


福州市是福建省省会,在福建省东部,与台湾省隔海相望福州别名“三山”,“左海”,“榕城”,是中国东南沿海的开放港口城市,也是中国历史文化名城。福州矿产资源较丰富。福州也有挖矿先进的技术。 厦门市在福建省东南部沿海,是中国经济特区之一,也是著名侨乡和港口风景城市,室内有多个少数民族。厦门原本是个海岛,1957年鹰厦铁路建成通车后才和大陆连成一体。改革开放以来,厦门依托经济特区的开放政策,发展非常迅速。

Microsoft is Planning a Windows 10 Blitz

As Windows 10 approaches, Microsoft faces a critical problem. Convincing hundreds of millions of users to download free software. Beginning July 20, the public will be bombarded with ads for Windows 10 at retailers, on TV and online as the company cranks up a marketing blitz touting the next version of its operating system, which is due to launch July 29. It is supposed to have fingerprint recognition, portrait recognition (which I wouldn't trust -, and a new browser called Edge that allows people to annotate webpages.. Millions of Windows fans will have a chance to attend launch parties in hotspots around the world. The highlight is that Windows 10 is free. So why would Microsoft spend so much effort on Windows 10? Microsoft wants 1 billion Windows user by the time of June 2018. They want to strengthen Windows as a gateway to other Microsoft services, like Office. They have such ambitious goals because the launch of Windows 10, Microsoft's flagship software,...



Digipen Camp Day 7

Today was the 7th day of DigiPen Camp. I accomplished my second goal for my project after figuring out how to drop bombs. My goal was to add a score and a stats page to the win screen. The score would be the amount of enemies killed plus the amount of coins collected minus the amount of deaths you got. On the stats page, you would see the statistics of the last game, including deaths, enemies killed, the time it took for you to beat the game, and the amount of coins you collected. It took nearly the whole day to do this, as it was really hard. With the help of Joshua, the lead teacher, I got all of the features programmed in. Now, my game looks really cool. At least I really like how it looks. The only thing I'm not happy with is the text, as it looks to simple to me. I really enjoyed programming today, and I felt really good when I finished today!


华南地区有很多珍稀动物和植物。 金钱豹主要分布在广东山地森林地区,是国家一级保护动物。他的体形与虎相似,但较小,为大中型食肉兽类,全生颜色鲜亮,手色纵横,遍布黑色斑点和环纹,形成古钱状斑纹,所以叫金钱豹。金钱豹生活环境可以多种多样,从低山,丘陵至高山森林。 眼镜蛇也是一个珍稀动物。令人类和动物都望而生畏的毒王眼镜蛇,主要生活在华南地区的广东,福建等地。眼镜蛇属于爬行动物。眼镜蛇遇到危险时,它会昂起头,同时背部的眼镜圈纹会变得更加明显,发出呼呼声,以来恐吓敌人,有时还会喷射出多达250毫克的毒液。不过他平常只以鱼,鼠,鸟以食物。 华南地区是有很多很酷的动物!

Digipen Camp Day 6

I accomplished a lot in Digipen Camp today. In the morning, we did our GDDs, or our plans for how we were going to work on our games in the future. There was a competition to see who could write the best GDD, and I won. I got a scholar token thingy which apparently is exchangeable for a lot of gold in the Name Tag Game. I was really happy! I think I won because I was the only one who actually wrote a decent amount (3 lines or more) on each question. In the afternoon, we worked on our projects. I wanted to add a feature that allowed me to drop bombs from the underside of my plane, and that took pretty much the whole afternoon. In the end, though, it was worth it. I could set the amount of bombs the player could have, and the bomb also worked. When it hit an enemy, the enemy blew up. I also added a component which made the bomb have a trail, spewing rocket flames. I really liked DigiPen camp today!


华南地区一般包括位于中国南部的福建省,广东省和海南省。华南地区的地形以高原和山地为主,属于热带,南亚热带气候。这儿的民族除了汉族以外,还有壮,苗,回,高山等少数民族。华南地区地理位置挺好的。交通运通发达。因为华南地区在海边,所以运货很方便。华南地区的经济基础也不差,是中国经济建设的前沿地带,也是中国对外开放的窗口之一。除了拥有丰富的土地,水,气,生物,矿产,和旅游资源外,还有较好的工业,商业和外流基础。 华东地区一个很有名的地方是珠江三角洲。珠江三角洲在南海北岸,广东省中部珠江河口,是中国第二大三角洲,也是世界上第十五。三角洲是什么呢?三角洲是指在河口区流速减缓的流水所携带的泥沙堆积而成的冲积平原。三角洲是一种常见的地表形貌。

Story Part 3

As I watched, the computer screens around me turned blue and displayed a human body. Next to it, a black worm appeared, and a popup showed detailed information about it. A simulation put the human and the worm together. Suddenly, all the screens showed the same error message in bright red: "Unexpected Error: Simulation Not Functioning Correctly". They all cracked with electricity and fizzled out at the same time. Surprised, I tried to wake the computers up by pressing the Power button. There was no response. I decided my only course of action was to keep moving through the complex. I walked deeper into the maze, and soon I was walking on hard rock. As I got closer and closer to the end of the tunnel, I could feel a vibrating noise. When I got to the end, I found that a titanium door blocked my path. However, when I touched the door, it creaked open, revealing another one. I opened it, and was presented with another one. I opened it too, and found myself in a small room made...

A Bunch of Grapes sells for $8,200

Recently, in the Ishikawa prefecture of Japan, a bunch of Ruby Roman grapes, some very expensive grapes, sold for $8,200. Ruby Roman grapes are a special type of grape. They have been in development for over 14 years, and each grape is about the size of a ping-pong ball. Every grape is checked strictly to guarantee its quality, with certification seals placed on those thus selected. The Ruby Roman has strict rules for selling; each grape must be over 20g and over 18% sugar. In addition, a special "premium class" exists which requires the grape to be over 30g and where the entire fruit bunch must weigh at least 700g. In 2010, only six grapes qualified for premium status while in 2011, no grapes made the cut. This is crazy! The grapes were bought at 1 million yen on Thursday at an auction in the market. The winner was a hotel chef who planned to use them in desserts at his hotel. Apparently in Japan it is considered good luck to buy the first produce of the year. Even i...


中国的第一个云计算地方在2015年10月会在湖南建立。这个地方可以让中国的运货信息等等在网上可以找着。这个建立完后,中国的Haiyi公司可以很快的送货。这个公司说他们的目的是在后勤的行业里做出一个淘宝。最近几年,中国的运货费用很高, 这主要是因为 货物 卸载。用这个云,这个公司想要避免这种发生。这个云会把这个公司的 效率增加50%,所以是个很大的工程。我觉得用一个云来做这个事情是个很好的注意,因为也会省很多钱,不用人来做这种活了。

Digipen Camp Day 5

Today was the fifth day of Digipen Camp. In the morning, we had a starship contest to see who could make the best starship. We made our starships starting from cubes in a program called Maya, where you can make objects in 3D and distort them, edit them, drag them around, and interact with them. My starship looked like an X-Wing, as it had wings in the shape of an X. I made thrusters by themselves, then copy and pasted them and merged them with the body of the ship. In the end, I got first place in the contest and 3 'gold' for the Name Tag Game, a game that a lot of people play in the Digipen Camp. I don't play the game, personally, because I think it is kind of boring. You have to do things to complete quests, which you get gold for. Then you buy stuff with gold and do really complicated battles with bosses (aka teachers). In the afternoon, we worked on our games. Nearly everybody worked on the framework where you flew a plane around and shot at enemies. I uploaded all th...



Digipen Camp Day 4

Today was the fourth day of Digipen Camp. The first thing that we did today was analyze a game called Star Fox 64. Star Fox 64 is a game where you pilot a starship around and shoot people. We analyzed how the game was really effective in guiding the player through the first few levels. For example, the other players tell you that you need to dodge the obstacles, how to beat the boss, etc. I think this is very effective because it seems more like an engaging conversation than a boring tutorial. The second thing we did was work on a new framework. It was a shooter, where you pilot a cube around and fire bullets at little enemies. They also fired at you, and reduced your little health bar. When it got to 0, the plane crashed. This game was interesting because you could make your own enemies and change their stats so there was more variety in the game. I hope we get to introduce more variety tomorrow in the form of making the game look better, because the game looks really bad right now...



Digipen Camp Day 3

Today was the third day of Digipen Camp. A significant portion of camp was devoted to investigating Super Mario 64 and seeing how it captivated the player and how it made the player progress. Super Mario 64 was a 3D platformer, the predecessor of games like Super Mario Galaxy today. You could move around in 3D, going left, right, up, down, forwards, or backwards. Like Super Mario Bros., there are Bob-ombs, Goombas, and other common enemies. It captivated the player by adding new enemy types, new ways to move around, new components, new game mechanisms, etc. It made the player progress by only letting him or her go into harder levels when he or she got sufficiently good to unlock them. In other words, you can only get to harder levels once you do well enough on the easy ones. This makes sense because otherwise if you played the last boss on your first go at the game, you would get massacred and it would be really frustrating. I learned a lot at DigiPen today!


开封市在河南省东部 ,面积有6243平方千米 。 这个城市是中国七大古都之一。开封地处中原要地,地理位置优越,水路交通发达,自春秋时期建城以来,已经有2600多年的历史,战国魏,五代梁,汉,晋,周北宋及金朝都在开封建都,故称为七朝古都。 开封市内目前有铁塔,龙亭大殿,禹王台,山峡甘会馆等名胜景观。开封历史上的名人众多,有秦国大臣,秦朝末农民起义的军首领张耳和陈馀,等等。 开封是个很有历史的城市。

Digipen Camp Number 2

Today was day 2 of Digipen Camp. The first thing we did was explore a new program called Maya in the morning. Maya is basically a 3D editor, where you can do stuff in 3D with rectangles, triangles, and spheres. You can stretch, and contort, and do all sorts of things. I thought it was creative, as I made a plane, a rocket, a chair, and a volcano, all using the basic tools. Just to think of all the possibilites with the complex tools! The second thing we did was import our models into Zero. When we did that, we could use our collision shapes from Maya to make sure that we could climb and interact with our objects, and so that there wouldn't be weird invisible space-fillers. I loved how you could create all kinds of objects and insert them. I had a great time with 3D objects today!


中国有很多地区,其中有一个叫华中地区是个特别有名的地区。他的旅游景点很丰富。 比如有汉江。汉江是长江最大支流。现在世界上,汉江是长江流域开发利用最大的支流。汉江边上绿绿的,江是黄的,特别好看。 大别山也是一个旅游景点。大别山是湖北省,河南省,安慰省交界处。大别山地势较高,海拔1729米。 下次去中国,这些地方 是肯定要去的。

Digipen Day 1

Today was the first day of Digipen Summer Camp. In the morning, we learned how to add texture to our 3D environments. The editor was really cool, as it allowed you to pull ground up, push it down, flatten it, color it, and do all kinds of weird things with it. I think that when we get this tool at the end of the session, I will have a lot of fun experimenting with it by myself. In the afternoon, we learned to create objects in our 3D environments. I added cubes and spheres, and made things out of them. I made a house with cubes as bricks. I made rain with spheres. There were infinite possibilities with all the different shapes that they had. You could make gravity apply to the shapes, and you cold also make them stay in the air. I liked how you could interact with the objects in the game. I really look forward to tomorrow!


华中地区在自然地理一般包括湖北省,湖南省,河南省。这儿的气侯以热带气候为主。华中地区汉族人口占多数,少数民族以苗,土家等族居多。由于长江,黄河均流经华中境内,以至自然资源相当丰富 ,有不少珍稀物种。此外,华中地区的电力和水利资源已相当丰富。 华中地区的三门峡是黄河中游重要的峡谷,位于河南省三门峡市和山西省中间有平陆。 三门峡有一座20多米高的石头墙,这只是三门峡的一部分。三门是个很伟大的东西!

Story Part 2

Cautiously, I looked inside. All over, there were little red lights flashing. As I stepped in, a few of them died out, then all of them. A screen in the middle of the room flickered to life, reading:"Hello, we have been expecting you. Please proceed." I stepped through the lifeless doors, expecting a government official to pop out and put me in jail any minute. This must all be a mistake, I thought. Soon, though, it became clear it was not. Bodies sat at computer terminals, silent, unmoving. It was an eerie sight, hundreds of people dead. The stark white of the room made everything seem clean, but it was obvious it was not. A whirring sound came from the roof behind me, and I spun around, surprised. A machine popped out of the roof, and said:"Follow me." It instantly turned around and walked into a dark corridor. I followed as fast as I could, but the machine always seemed to go faster. The twists and turns got confusing, and I decided not to pay attention to wher...

Last day in Colorado

Today was the last day in Colorado. The first thing we did was ride horses. The horses were at the Academy Riding Stables. We started out by putting on our helmets and getting assigned horses, and then we started riding them. I got a horse called T-Bow, and he was pretty calm and obedient. He really loved eating the grass on the side of the road, though, and I had to pull him up to stop him from eat it a bunch of times. We went through the Garden of the Gods, which was really cool, because we could observe scenery without having to walk. It was hard to notice the scenery and keep your horse in line at the same time, though. The second thing we did was go to a cave. The cave had a lot of stalagmites and stalactites. There were really small caverns and really tall ones, really steep stairs and really scary ones. It was really cool to observe the different kinds of rock formations. There was a part where we were in complete darkness and it was really scary, as the tour guide told us tha...


Today I went sandsledding at the Great Sand Dunes National Park. First, we went to a place called Oasis to get our sleds. They offered sandboards and sandsleds. We were one of the first people there, so we got our boards really quickly. We chose the smoothest ones, and got our wax. The wax was for putting on the boards so that they didn't get sticky and not work as well. Then, we went to go sledding. It was really exciting, because you could go really fast, especially on steep hills. You rubbed on a bit of wax and the sled just rocketed down the sand dunes. I fell a bunch of times at the start because I didn't get how to turn, so I couldn't balance the sled, so the sled turned 90 degrees, side to the hill, and toppled over. Once I got the hang of it, however, it got a lot easier for me. Then I started going farther and not toppling. However, I still toppled a lot, and eventually I just stopped sledding because I didn't really think the ride was worth the huge walk bac...

Story Part 1

One day, I woke up to white stuff outside the window. At first, I  was scared that this was another one of those government projects where they genetically modify living animals and test them out in front of random peoples' houses. Once they released chupacabras in front of our neighbor's houses. They were never seen again. I went outside, curious to see what this new genetic mutation would behold. I approached it carefully, wary of any sudden movements.When I saw no movements, I touched it. It was a strange sensation, nothing like the desert we live in today. I touched it again. It felt like I was being 'frozen'. This was a thing we only heard about in books, of days with freezing cold living conditions. When I asked my living group, they had no idea what it was. I decided that this was definitely abnormal. The government never created things like this. I brought some to the nearest police center. There was no police. When I went back home, nobody was there. I knocke...