Habit 1/7 - the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
The book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is about how highly effective people get to be so highly effective. The first habit is to be proactive.
Being proactive means taking things into your own hands and not trying to care about things out of one's control. For example, if you just start blaming someone else for a problem, think about what you did in the problem and what you could have done differently. Think about this diagram - a circle of influence in a circle of concern. The circle of concern contains what you care about, while the circle of influence contains what you can change.
So if you are proactive, and don't spend all your time worrying about things outside your influence and instead work on your influence, you can make your circle of influence larger and larger. So eventually, if you are proactive enough, changing yourself and other things inside your influence for the better, instead of telling other people to change, something outside of your influence, your influence will cover your concern and you will be able to control a lot of things and make them better.
In conclusion, the first habit, being proactive, basically means to do what you can do and stop worrying about what you can't change.
Being proactive means taking things into your own hands and not trying to care about things out of one's control. For example, if you just start blaming someone else for a problem, think about what you did in the problem and what you could have done differently. Think about this diagram - a circle of influence in a circle of concern. The circle of concern contains what you care about, while the circle of influence contains what you can change.
So if you are proactive, and don't spend all your time worrying about things outside your influence and instead work on your influence, you can make your circle of influence larger and larger. So eventually, if you are proactive enough, changing yourself and other things inside your influence for the better, instead of telling other people to change, something outside of your influence, your influence will cover your concern and you will be able to control a lot of things and make them better.
In conclusion, the first habit, being proactive, basically means to do what you can do and stop worrying about what you can't change.
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