Don't Hit Send: Angry Emails Just Make You Angrier

Today I read an article about not sending angry e-mails.
The main point the article covered was that angry e-mails make you even angrier, even if you might not know it. This is because even though angry messages make you feel better in the short term, the more you read over them, or think about them, the angrier you get. They are just more reminders of your anger at that time, how much you hated a certain thing, etc. etc.
The article suggested some tips on how to control your anger better, for example, if you want to vent your anger, write the letter, but don't send it. This way, you can read it again after you calm down, and relax, and you can learn why you got angry and try not to do the same thing to other people. Also, you can just do nothing for a while. This gives you time to think, and eventually your anger will go away. Finally, you can use the centuries-old strategy of counting to 10, or 100 as Thomas Jefferson supposedly said.
I think the next time I get angry, I will try some of these strategies and see how I fare.


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