The Rise of Phone Reading

Recently, reading on your phone has grown in popularity. As more and more people try to find time in their lives to read books, more and more people turn to their phones. In a normal adult's tightly packed life, there are only a few small moments to read for pleasure, and the easiest way to take advantage of those moments is to use your phone.
One parent said that they found that they had to continually rock is baby's cradle from 3-5 a.m. to get her to go to sleep. He found that he could hold his phone with one hand while rocking the cradle with the other hand. This way, he could read books while rocking his baby's cradle. He found this to be efficient, and soon he was reading while walking on the Microsoft campus where he worked, reading at lunch, and reading whenever he had a bit of time.
The parent said that if they had waited for five hours of time like they used to, they would never get to read. The normal lives of adults these days are just too packed to allow time for work, family, sleep, and 5 hours of reading.
There are many benefits to reading on your phone. For example, it is very easy to share e-books and review them, these can be done with a few taps. You also don't have to lug heavy books all over the place (三国演义), as they can be stored on your phone and weigh almost nothing there. Also, looking up a word you don't know is very simple. You just tap and hold down on the word and a definition pops up.
I think reading on phones or tablets is soon going to be the way most people read. There are just so many benefits. Books can be carried around, shared, and reviewed with almost no effort. You don't have to look up every word you don't know in a dictionary. Reading on phones or tablets is just more simple than reading a physical book.


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