GM Camp Day 1

Today was the first day of GM Camp at Chess4Life. The camp was with GM Petar Genov, a Bulgarian chess GM with a FIDE rating of 2450.
The first half of class was a long lecture, and then a tournament round. The lecture was about middlegames. I learned a lot about how to play a middlegame in general. For example, I learned a few common mistakes for certain openings - when to not push a pawn, etc. The tournament game was very eventful. I blundered a bishop, then got it back through a smart move. Then I did a skewer and was up by the exchange. I promoted to a queen and won.
The afternoon was relatively uneventful. We went over games for a while (sadly, we didn't analyze mine). Everybody learned about others' mistakes, and the GM went deep into lines at different mistake points in the games. After break, we were supposed to do a tournament round, but couldn't because about 5 people left for certain reasons, and the pairings got messed up. So we played chess for a while for fun. After a while, we analyzed games, and we still didn't go over mine or Brandon's. D:
Anyways, I had a good time on the first day of GM Camp, and I definitely learned a lot.


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