Old Version of Previous Prompt
Students like competitive sports
They offer a chance to meet others
Get a chance to exercise
Have fun
Grade point level should be 3.5
3 is average, so students should do better to get a reward, get 3.5
Will encourage students to get higher grades
People who originally didn't do that well in school but liked sports would now get better grades
Some high school students just focus on competitive sports and don't do very well in academic studies. This is a big problem, and one way to fix it would be to require a higher grade point level to participate in competitive sports.
Most students enjoy competitive sports. They offer a chance to meet others, as teams and individuals from abroad compete against each other. It provides a way to make new friends. At the same time, it offers a chance to get some exercise. Most high-school students are bogged down with studies and extracurriculars, leaving no time for exercise. But competitive sports would be a great chance to exercise, and so lots of high-schoolers squeeze in some time for competitive sports. Competitive sports also give people a chance to have fun, something that many high-schoolers are deprived of in their daily lives. It gives them time to relax and loosen up a bit, instead of being stretched tight the whole day.
So students' individual grade point level should be at a certain place before they could participate in competitive sports because almost all high-school students like competitive sports. The competitive sports would be great motivation for students to achieve higher. But the required grade point level should be raised to a 3.5 because anything below that is either below standard or just at average. For achieving above average, students would be rewarded with the opportunity of participating in competitive sports. People who originally didn't do that well in school but liked sports would now get better grades because they would want to participate in competitive sports.
All in all, I think there should be a required grade point level to participate in competitive sports because people like competitive sports, and therefore will be more motivated to get better grades.
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