Prompt: "The early bird gets the worm."
I agree with the statement “the early bird gets the worm”
for various reasons. This is mainly because people who go first usually get
more choices and take the best items and choices.
One example of this is when settlers first came to the
Pacific Northwest to settle. The early birds, or the first people to get there,
claimed all the land they could ever want and it was theirs. People who came
later, though, could only claim the remaining parts of land, which was usually
the worst land, as the first people had already taken all of the best land. So
even though the land was free and anybody could claim unclaimed land, the rule
“the early bird gets the worm is still effective – the first people get the most
and best land, while the last people get the least and worst land.
Another example of this is buying airplane tickets. The
first tickets are bought by early birds, who take the best seats. Later buyers
have to face seats that aren’t nearly as good as the ones the early birds got.
There are only so many good seats, and after all the early birds have chosen
the seats, there aren’t many good ones left. Also, earlier buyers usually get
discounts, leaving late buyers with bad seats and higher costs than the early
birds. As you can see, “the early bird gets the worm” also applies to airplane
The final example of this is the Cornucopia in the Hunger Games. The people who go first, the early birds, get their choice of supplies, while people who go later have to scavenge for things that aren't as good as the things the early birds got. The early birds are people who go first, and they get to have the best choices. Later people only get things that were deemed unworthy by the early birds, which aren't usually very good.
Settlers who go first get more land, earlier buyers get better choices in airplane tickets, and people who get to supplies first get the best choices. Therefore, I agree that “the early bird gets the worm.”
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