Prompt: "To reduces the accident rate, the state legislature should pass a proposal to raise the minimum driving age from 16 to 18."

          The accident rate for driving is very high - and reckless teenagers and their crazy assumptions are one of the main reason behind them. Through this fact, I think state legislature should pass a proposal to raise the minimum driving age from 16 to 18.
          Teens that are 16 years old are sometimes very boisterous and unstable. This combination could make them do crazy things. For example, they could go right through a red light. Or they could go 40 mph on a 15 mph road. This would be extremely dangerous to pedestrians crossing the street or kids playing outside. Other times, some teens make crazy assumptions. They might assume that there were no other cars on the road at night, and ignore traffic lights. Then crashes would be everywhere.
          People 18 and above are generally more mature and in need of a car than 16-year-olds. 18-year-olds usually aren't as crazy and reckless as some of them used to be two years ago. Also, that's the first time people might need their own car, to drive to and from college. 16-year-olds don't exactly need a car. But 18-year-olds start college, and they need to drive themselves, because the parents probably can't put aside time to drive their children when they are far from home. 18-year-olds tend to be more responsible, too, because they are now considered adult, and can vote and enter into legal contracts. This is a lot more responsibility, so 18-year-olds tend to be more mature.
          16-year-olds could be crazy and reckless, while 18-year-olds should be more mature and in need of a car. As you can see, the state legislature should pass a proposal to raise the minimum driving age from 16 to 18.


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