Xiaomi Smartphones Make a Splash in Indonesia

Recently Xiaomi, a company that makes phones, expanded into Indonesia. It is already a big company, third in the world behind Samsung and Apple.
One thing that surprised me in the article was that 1.5 million rupiahs were worth only $122. I think that the average income, at $1499, is really little, and I don't really get how they buy the phone, pay monthly fees and everything, and eat, even if a meal is only $1. But apparently the phone is really popular in India, considering the first batch sold out in 7 minutes.
Another thing that surprised me was that it had sold 100,000 phones in Indonesia already, which means 1 in around 2500 people have one. I still find that surprising because when I think of Indonesia, I think of labor and factories and workers milling away for days. I don't see how anyone could be rich enough to have a phone.
In conclusion, I think I still have a lot to learn about the world.


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