Spaceship Failures

Recently there have been quite a few spaceship failures. Among the many, one especially stood out to me.
The first one was the failure of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket that carried cargo and supplies to the ISS. There was a metal strut that broke at 2000 pounds of pressure where it should have withstood 10000. It caused a helium bottle to fall into the second-stage liquid oxygen tank. The unrestrained bottle broke free, releasing the helium inside, and the added pressure caused the oxygen tank to break apart, leading to the disintegration of the rocket.
In an investigation, SpaceX showed that even though most of the struts could handle 10000 pounds, there were a few that could not. In the future, SpaceX said that it would test all the struts individually. I think that this is a sad failure, as the whole spaceship was destroyed by one tiny metal strut, a problem that could have been easily prevented.
I think that in the future, the struts and components for all spaceships should be checked and possibly double-checked to make sure that this kind of thing doesn't happen again.


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