Outline and Body Paragraph for Prompt: "What is special about you? Explain what makes you an unique individual."

  • Special about me:
  1. I like to study and research things I'm interested in
  • I'm interested in math, science, and computer coding, so:
  • I study math and science on Khan Academy
  • I study computer coding on Codecademy
  1. I can just separate myself from the world when I'm reading
  • I just travel into my own world, and there, I don't and can't pay attention to anything in the outside world
  • I get too absorbed in the book
  • I can't hear my mom telling me to do something else
  1. Conclude
          One reason I think I am special is because I like to study and research things I'm interested in. For example, I'm interested in math, science, and computer coding. I study math and science on a website called "Khan Academy", while I study computer coding on a website called "Codecademy". I try to make practicing and learning in each of these subjects an everyday routine, and I have learned a lot in the past few weeks using this plan.


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